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<h2 class="color-ddd fw-200"></h2>
<h1 class="mt-20px mb-20px color-fff fw-800">Grow Your Business With</h1>
<h1><span class="fw-800 color-red">AGGRANDIZEMENT</span></h1>
<h2 class="color-ddd fw-200">Solution</h2>
<p class="color-bbb">We define your competition and target audience. Discover what is working in your online industry, then design your website accordingly.</p>
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<h3 class="mb-20px cd-headline clip">
<span class="fw-500">We Are </span>
<span class="cd-words-wrapper color-red">
<b class="is-visible fw-800">Creative Agency</b>
<b class="fw-800">Business Development</b>
<b class="fw-800">Digital Agency</b>
<p class="first-p">We understand that your website not only has to deliver your brand proposition, but it also has to generate leads. Unlike many website design companies that solely focus on website design, Aggrandizement Solution is a performance marketing agency with over 15 years of experience building websites that deliver results. We have the SEO expertise, proprietary software, and on-going support to deliver a complete website solution for your business.</p>
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<span class="fw-300">About</span> Us
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<p class="title-p p-relative fs-15 color-666">We turn your ideas into a reality. &our website is placed on a "development server" where you get to watch the whole process, live.
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<span class="color-red fw-600">What You Know About Aggrandizement?</span>
<h3 class="fw-800 mt-15px mb-20px">With Seo Pro Network we prvoide full service web marketing company dedicated to helping businesses grow.</h3>
<p class="mb-20px">Our websites are custom designed to elevate your brand. We use responsive design so your site looks great and is easy to use on any sized device. This mobile-friendly functionality also enhances your search engine results on mobile devices. We write and optimize all text and SEO tags to maximize your search engine results.</p>
<a class="main-btn btn-3 before-f6f6f6 mt-35px" href="https://seopronetwork.com/">Learn More</a>
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<h1 class="title-h p-relative fw-800 mb-10px">
<span class="fw-300">Our</span> Skills
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<span class="circle-2 p-absolute bg-red radius-50"></span>
<p class="title-p p-relative fs-15 color-666">Experts in Agile software development, our project managers, business analysts and certified scrum masters serve as liaisons combining your product vision with the domain expertise of our technical team.
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<h3 class="fw-800 mb-20px">The basic skills of leaders</h3>
<p class="mb-40px">Our software development engineers are highly skilled, trained and educated: 80% have an MS or equivalent. We strongly believe that recruiting top talent is the key to impeccable implementation of projects as well as customer satisfaction with the results.</p>
<div class="skills-bar mb-25px">
<h6 class="fw-600">Web Development</h6>
<div class="skills-progress bg-eee radius-50px">
<span class="bg-red radius-50px" data-value='98%'></span>
<div class="skills-bar mb-25px">
<h6 class="fw-600">Software Development</h6>
<div class="skills-progress bg-eee radius-50px">
<span class="bg-red radius-50px" data-value='87%'></span>
<div class="skills-bar mb-25px">
<h6 class="fw-600">SEO Agency Services</h6>
<div class="skills-progress bg-eee radius-50px">
<span class="bg-red radius-50px" data-value='95%'></span>
<div class="skills-bar">
<h6 class="fw-600">Live Support</h6>
<div class="skills-progress bg-eee radius-50px">
<span class="bg-red radius-50px" data-value='92%'></span>
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<span class="color-red fw-600">Why Choose Aggrandizement?</span>
<h3 class="fw-800 mt-15px mb-20px color-fff">We Increase Your Sales Through
Effective SEO and High Conversion Web Design.</h3>
<p class="color-ccc mb-40px">Who we work with – Up and running profitable businesses.
<div class="why-dots mb-10px">
<div class="dot p-relative d-inline-block mb-10px mr-30px pb-10px color-fff fs-16 fw-500"> Profeesional work</div>
<div class="dot p-relative d-inline-block mb-10px mr-30px pb-10px color-fff fs-16 fw-500">Lead Generation</div>
<div class="dot p-relative d-inline-block mb-10px mr-30px pb-10px color-fff fs-16 fw-500">Experienced Staff</div>
<div class="dot p-relative d-inline-block mb-10px pb-10px color-fff fs-16 fw-500">Better client service</div>
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<div class="why-item">
<h6 class="mb-0px fw-400 color-eee lh-30px p-20px">Analyzing small business websites built without metrics (keywords) as a guide will fail to connect with the visitors (prospective buyer) wants and needs, resulting in a high CTR (click through rate). *High CTR are a signal telling Google your website is NOT the best result for it’s users, therefore lowering your rankings, which is bad for business. </h6>
<div class="why-item">
<h6 class="mb-0px fw-400 color-eee lh-30px p-20px">You know the internet will increase your sales but you just don’t know who to trust, so you went online and your due diligence lead you here. Welcome to Aggrandizement Solution. The fact that you found us is not by accident, the truth is, we are found under many profitable keywords for our industry like: lead generation company, lead generation services, lead generation services, SEO company and more. Through hard work and strategy, we are actually on page one of Google for more than 200 keywords and found in 1000’s of towns and cities throughout the US; not only Google, but Yahoo, Bing and Yelp.com.</h6>
<div class="why-item">
<h6 class="mb-0px fw-400 color-eee lh-30px p-20px">DFY (done for you) Small business websites are very convenient, especially when you are busy running your business. Our process has you the business owner in mind, our focus is making your experience as hands-off as possible.</h6>
<div class="why-item">
<h6 class="mb-0px fw-400 color-eee lh-30px p-20px">When marketing your website, you want to make sure everyone who visitors your small business website can easily navigate it. The old ‘mobile website’ did allow mobile users the ability to navigate but the small business mobile websites were ugly and wouldn’t work well on tablets so the solution was created, and it is called Responsive website. </h6>
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<span class="fw-600 color-red">Monthly Reporting</span>
<h3 class="fw-800 mt-15px mb-20px">Competitive Analysis Report</h3>
<p class="mb-50px">The internet is a very competitive marketplace and there are always more companies aiming for your keywords and potential clients. Analyzing your competition’s online strengths and weaknesses can disclose opportunities for you.</p>
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<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="mb-50px">
<i class="icon-tools fs-35 color-red"></i>
<h5 class="fw-700 mt-20px mb-10px">SEO</h5>
<p>Technical SEO provides businesses with the foundation required to scale marketing success.</p>
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="mb-50px">
<i class="icon-paintbrush fs-35 color-red"></i>
<h5 class="fw-700 mt-20px mb-10px">Web Design</h5>
<p>Experienced designers and animation consultants are always at your disposal to make things happen exactly the way you want, or even better!</p>
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="mb-50px-sm">
<i class="icon-download fs-35 color-red"></i>
<h5 class="fw-700 mt-20px mb-10px">Development</h5>
<p>Smartphones and tablets are replacing desktops and laptops, and users are demanding more and more functionality from their portable devices.</p>
<div class="col-md-6">
<i class="icon-phone fs-35 color-red"></i>
<h5 class="fw-700 mt-20px mb-10px">Live Support</h5>
<p>Why else would you not take advantage of having a live support service when you know you can get all what you want just right here.</p>
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<h1 class="title-h p-relative fw-800 mb-10px">
<span class="fw-300">Our</span> Services
<span class="circle-1 p-absolute bg-red radius-50"></span>
<span class="circle-2 p-absolute bg-red radius-50"></span>
<p class="title-p p-relative fs-15 color-666">Customer experience is the defining strategic imperative of our day. Our creative capabilities, coupled with our deep technology expertise, uniquely position us to enable enterprises in the digital world.
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<h4 class="fw-700 mb-10px">Web Design and Development</h4>
<p class="transition-2">Our custom websites start with an eye-catching, conversion focused web design, and we pair that with top web development to create high-end websites that are SEO focused and drive results for your business.</p>
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<h4 class="fw-700 mb-10px transition-2">Search Engine Optomization (SEO)</h4>
<p class="transition-2">Because SEO service online involves so many types of activities, from keyword strategy to link building to content creation and much more, having a well-rounded team such as ours makes campaigns flow more efficiently and brings results more quickly. </p>
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<h4 class="fw-700 mb-10px transition-2">Live Support</h4>
<p class="transition-2">Live Support is all about human interaction with your website visitors and pointing them in the right direction. We help you increase your Marketing ROI by generating more sales. Dedicate your time and resources to your core product/services while letting our professional customer service agents handle your website visitors. </p>
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<div class="col-lg-4">
<div class="box-padding">
<span class="fw-600 color-red">Creative and quality design.</span>
<h3 class="fw-800 mt-15px mb-20px">Professional Website Design Services</h3>
<p class="mb-35px">Your website is a reflection of you. Does yours leave a lasting impression? Partner with an award winning, professional web design company that is best at producing beautiful designs with SEO in mind.</p>
<p class="mb-35px">Conversion Considerations. We build professional websites that engage people, and our goal is to then turn potential customers into paying customers. We incorporate clear paths for users to take to ensure they convert for your business.</p>
<div class="col-lg-4 image-back-center">
<div class="col-lg-4 offset-lg-4">
<div class="box-padding">
<span class="fw-600 color-red">Improve your performance.</span>
<h3 class="fw-800 mt-15px mb-25px">Search Engine Optimized For Success</h3>
<p class="mb-20px p-relative">
<i class="fa fa-check color-red p-absolute"></i>
<span class="pl-25px d-inline-block">Strong Website architecture. During the design planning stage, we make sure your website is easy to navigate and understand.</span>
<p class="mb-20px p-relative">
<i class="fa fa-check color-red p-absolute"></i>
<span class="pl-25px d-inline-block">Content Creation. As part of any design, content is an important aspect especially when it comes to ranking well.</span>
<p class="mb-35px p-relative">
<i class="fa fa-check color-red p-absolute"></i>
<span class="pl-25px d-inline-block">Speed and bounce rates. Google has made it clear one metric they look at when ranking a website is how positive is the user experience.</span>
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<span class="fw-600 color-red">National SEO</span>
<h3 class="fw-800 mt-15px mb-20px">The foundation required to scale marketing success.</h3>
<p class="mb-20px">The biggest difference between local and national campaigns are the competitiveness of the keywords being targeted and the time it takes to achieve meaningful results.</p>
<p class="color-red">
<span class="pr-10px">#Web Design</span>
<span class="pr-10px">#Web Development</span>
<span class="pr-10px">#Mobile Application</span>
<span class="pr-10px">#Branding</span>
<span class="pr-10px">#Digital Marketing</span>
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<h1 class="title-h p-relative fw-800 mb-10px">
<span class="fw-300">Our</span> Clients
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<span class="circle-2 p-absolute bg-red radius-50"></span>
<p class="title-p p-relative fs-15 color-666">Our recent clients are creative, conversion-focused industry leaders. When they partner with Aggrandizement.
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<span data-filter='.Photoshop' class="bg-f4f4f4 mb-10px mr-15px fw-400 radius-25px">Telecommunication</span>
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<div class="p-15px">
<h5 class="transition-5 fw-600 mb-0px color-eee">Smart Choice T-Mobile</h5>
<p class="color-aaa">Telecommunication</p>
<div class="col-md-4 items Branding mt-40px">
<div class="work-image p-relative">
<img src="images/seo_services_Web_Design_Marketing_HRBlock.jpg" alt="image">
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<div class="p-15px">
<h5 class="transition-5 fw-600 mb-0px color-eee">H&R Block</h5>
<p class="color-aaa">Finance and Accounting</p>
<div class="col-md-4 items Photoshop mt-40px">
<div class="work-image p-relative">
<img src="images/Seo_Web_Design_Verizon.png" alt="image">
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<i class="fa fa-long-arrow-right text-center p-absolute color-fff color-fff-hvr bg-red-hvr radius-50"></i>
<div class="p-15px">
<h5 class="transition-5 fw-600 mb-0px color-eee">Verizon</h5>
<p class="color-aaa">Telecommunication</p>
<div class="col-md-4 items Branding mt-40px">
<div class="work-image p-relative">
<img src="images/Accountaxpro.jpg" alt="image">
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<div class="p-15px">
<h5 class="transition-5 fw-600 mb-0px color-eee">AccounTax Pro</h5>
<p class="color-aaa">Finance and Accounting</p>
<div class="col-md-4 items Illustrator mt-40px">
<div class="work-image p-relative">
<img src="images/seo_services_Web_Design_Marketing_Elmosa.jpg" alt="image">
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<div class="p-15px">
<h5 class="transition-5 fw-600 mb-0px color-eee">Elmosa & Associates</h5>
<p class="color-aaa">Law</p>
<div class="col-md-4 items Illustrator mt-40px">
<div class="work-image p-relative">
<img src="images/Seo_Web_Design_Florida1.jpg" alt="image">
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<div class="p-15px">
<h5 class="transition-5 fw-600 mb-0px color-eee">City of Lake Mary Florida</h5>
<p class="color-aaa">Law</p>
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<img alt="testimonials" src="images/Aggrandizement_accountax.jpg" class="radius-50 ml-auto mr-auto mb-20px">
<p class="fs-18 color-eee fw-200">Aggrandizement was able to encapsulate the essence of what makes AccounTax Pro special – which is a bit complex – and make it simple and memorable.</p>
<h5 class="color-fff mt-20px fw-500 mb-0px"> - AccounTax Pro - </h5>
<span class="color-aaa fs-13 fw-400">Brian</span>
<div class="single-review">
<img alt="testimonials" src="images/aggrandizement_Web_Design.jpg" class="radius-50 ml-auto mr-auto mb-20px">
<p class="fs-18 color-eee fw-200">The Aggrandizement team treated our business like it was theirs. They have helped us tell our story on our website and in our marketing as well.</p>
<h5 class="color-fff mt-20px fw-500 mb-0px"> - H&R Block - </h5>
<span class="color-aaa fs-13 fw-400">Tim</span>
<div class="single-review">
<img alt="testimonials" src="images/aggrandizement_SEO.jpg" class="radius-50 ml-auto mr-auto mb-20px">
<p class="fs-18 color-eee fw-200">We developed a greate partnership with Aggrandzimenet and they dedication to our website is avident in all aspects of the site. We appreciate their attention to detail and creative approach to bringing our new exhibit to life online.</p>
<h5 class="color-fff mt-20px fw-500 mb-0px"> - Elmosa & Associates - </h5>
<span class="color-aaa fs-13 fw-400">Mosa</span>
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<h1 class="title-h p-relative fw-800 mb-10px">
<span class="fw-300">Our Maintenace</span> Prices
<span class="circle-1 p-absolute bg-red radius-50"></span>
<span class="circle-2 p-absolute bg-red radius-50"></span>
<p class="title-p p-relative fs-15 color-666">When you reach out to us, we’ll get in contact for a site audit and to learn more about your business. From there, we’ll work with you to decide the types of services and amount of hours that best fit your budget and goals.
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<div class="price-table mb-50px-sm bg-fff radius-10px p-40px pt-80px pb-80px">
<h4 class="fw-500 mb-0px">Standard</h4>
<h1 class="mb-15px mt-30px fw-600">199<span class="fw-200 fs-18">$Mo</span></h1>
<p class="mb-10px">WP Website Maintenance</p>
<p class="mb-10px">Limited Keyword Research & Analysis</p>
<p class="mb-10px">Website Structure Optimization</p>
<p class="mb-10px">Local Search Optimization</p>
<p class="mb-10px">Ranking Report</p>
<p class="mb-40px">5 Contents Update</p>
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<h4 class="fw-500 mb-0px color-fff">Premuim</h4>
<h1 class="mb-15px mt-30px fw-600 color-fff">299<span class="fw-200 fs-18">$Mo</span></h1>
<p class="mb-10px color-eee">HTML Website Maintenance</p>
<p class="mb-10px color-eee">Code Optimization</p>
<p class="mb-10px color-eee">Canonicalization</p>
<p class="mb-10px color-eee">Limited Keyword Research & Analysis</p>
<p class="mb-10px color-eee">Design & Link Social Media Pages</p>
<p class="mb-10px color-eee">Local & National Optimization</p>
<p class="mb-10px color-eee">Google Analytics Setup</p>
<p class="mb-10px color-eee">Ranking Report</p>
<p class="mb-40px color-eee">10 Contents Update</p>
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<h4 class="fw-500 mb-0px">Business</h4>
<h1 class="mb-15px mt-30px fw-600">499<span class="fw-200 fs-18">$Mo</span></h1>
<p class="mb-10px">HTML-PHP Website Maintenance</p>
<p class="mb-10px">Premuim Package Included</p>
<p class="mb-10px">Bad Link Analysis and cleanup</p>
<p class="mb-10px">Unlimited Keyword Research & Analysis</p>
<p class="mb-10px">Ranking Report</p>
<p class="mb-40px">Unlimited Updates</p>
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<p class="count fs-35 color-fff fw-600 mb-15px mt-10px">253</p>
<h5 class="mb-0px color-ccc fw-400">Projects delivered</h5>
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<i class="icon-download color-red fs-35 radius-50 mb-35px transition-4"></i>
<p class="count fs-35 color-fff fw-600 mb-15px mt-10px">113</p>
<h5 class="mb-0px color-ccc fw-400">Software Development</h5>
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<i class="icon-trophy color-red fs-35 radius-50 mb-35px transition-4"></i>
<p class="count fs-35 color-fff fw-600 mb-15px mt-10px">478</p>
<h5 class="mb-0px color-ccc fw-400">SEO Services</h5>
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<i class="icon-profile-male color-red fs-35 radius-50 mb-35px transition-4"></i>
<p class="count fs-35 color-fff fw-600 mb-15px mt-10px"> 972</p>
<h5 class="mb-0px color-ccc fw-400">Happy Clients</h5>
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<i class="fa fa-tag"></i> Health & Clinic Company , Case Study
<h5 class="fw-800 mb-15px"><a class="color-333 color-red-hvr">Case study – New Business - Health & Clinic Company.</a></h5>
<p class="mb-20px color-555">A new Cryotherapy company, building a website and doing SEO to drive traffic. We built the site SEO friendly from the ground up and optimized it for their top keywords. Once the site was complete, we launched it and started the the link building process right away. We built all the major citations and did some outreach in the first month. By month two we had over 50% of their keywords in the top 2 pages of Google. By month four we had over 75% on page 1 and 15% in the top 3 positions</p>
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<i class="fa fa-tag"></i> Law & Estate Business , Case Study
<h5 class="fw-800 mb-15px"><a class="color-333 color-red-hvr">Case study – Customizations - Business Law & Estate planning law firm</a></h5>
<p class="mb-20px color-555">Doing SEO for lawyers is historically very competitive but it’s a market we are very familiar and comfortable with.They came to us with a Square space site that we promptly converted to HTML/PHP. Converting it allowed us to have more flexibility with customization and SEO. Once the site was in order we reorganized the layout and solidified the topical focus for all their service pages. The site was image heavy which slowed the loading time and made for a poor user experience.</p>
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<i class="fa fa-tag"></i> Tax, Attorney Company , Case Study
<h5 class="fw-800 mb-15px"><a class="color-333 color-red-hvr">Case study – Tracking - Tax, Attorney Company</a></h5>
<p class="mb-20px color-555">A Square space website already built, but poorly optimized for it’s competitive local service related keywords. We did a heavy amount of on-page optimization to get the site in order. We found a lot of duplicate content and SEO landing pages that we promptly deleted. We simplified the site and only left the pages that offered the most value to the customer. Once the site was updated we started the link building process. This was a very competitive market so rankings didn’t start to really take shape until the 5-6 month mark.</p>
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