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<meta name="keywords" content=" Architectural Glass, Toughened Glass,Lamination Glass, Aluminum Outdoor Window Section, Insulating Glass
Glazing, Bend Glass,Decorative Glass,Digital Printing,3D Floor Glass, Wardrobe Digital Glass, Wall Painting, Digital Partition & Door,Bathroom Highlighter Glass, Glass Furniture,glass table top,3D Diamond Cluster Glass,Diamond Strips Glass,Diamond Molding Glass,Glass Pillars,Back Painted Glass,Modern Stained Glass,Stack Glass,Plexi Glass,Etched Glass,Acid Deep,Sand Blasting,Texture, NR , Decorative Mirror,Touch Light & Backlight Mirror,3D Crystal Mirror,Figured ,Bevelled Mirror">
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<meta name="description" content="Akhand Glass Emporium Established in 2004 by Mr.Raj Songara. He has come a long way in glass processing industry Later on, he decided upon the name Akhand Glass Emporium with an intention of selecting a name which would encompass all our Glass product offerings under a single umbrella. Akhand Glass Emporium has become a glass hub which has all products related to glass – everything from decorative mirrors to luxurious door & partition, glass floor & wall, glass furniture etc.">
<meta name="summary" content=" Akhand Glass Emporium Established in 2004 by Mr.Raj Songara. He has come a long way in glass processing industry Later on, he decided upon the name Akhand Glass Emporium with an intention of selecting a name which would encompass all our Glass product offerings under a single umbrella. Akhand Glass Emporium has become a glass hub which has all products related to glass – everything from decorative mirrors to luxurious door & partition, glass floor & wall, glass furniture etc.">
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<h5 class="text-uppercase mt15"><br>Interior & Exterior Glass</h5>
<h6 style="font-size: 14px; ">Interior Glass Designs with classic concepts & Exterior Glass Designs according to your desire.</h6>
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<h5 class="text-uppercase mt15">Decorative and Laminated Glass</h5>
<h6 style="font-size: 14px; ">The location of your dreams gets decorated by our modern glass solutions, keeping in view your glass safety and security, we usually use laminated glass.</h6>
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<h5 class="text-uppercase mt15"><br>Digital Printed Glass</h5>
<h6 style="font-size: 14px; ">Your one designing hub for all type of designs, now you can choose any design any color theme according to your interior..</h6>
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<h2 class="text-uppercase">WHY CHOOSE <span class="text-theme-color">US?</span></h2>
<h2 class="mb30 gray-color font-n mt10" style="font-size: 16px;"> <Strong>Akhand Glass Emporium</Strong> was established in 2004 by <Strong>Mr. Raj Songara</Strong>, who has made remarkable strides in the glass processing industry. Later, he decided on the name <Strong>"Akhand Glass Emporium"</Strong> with the intention of selecting a name that would encompass all our glass product offerings under a single umbrella.</h2>
<h2 class="mb30 gray-color font-n mt10" style="font-size: 16px;"> Today, Akhand Glass Emporium has become a <Strong>glass hub</Strong>, offering an extensive range of products, including Decorative mirrors, Luxurious doors and partitions, Glass floors and walls, Glass furniture, Window, Shower Cubicles, Railing & Elevation With a commitment to quality and innovation, Akhand Glass Emporium continues to redefine the possibilities of glass in design and functionality.
<h2 class="mb30 gray-color font-n mt10" style="font-size: 16px;"> Akhand Glass Emporium is the most comprehensive and technologically advanced glass processor in Madhya Pradesh and the only company capable of providing complete designer glass solutions for both interior and exterior applications.
<h2 class="mb30 gray-color font-n mt10" style="font-size: 16px;"> The latest addition to our machinery is a <Strong>Multi-Color Digital Printing Machine</Strong>, the first of its kind in Madhya Pradesh and one of the most advanced in India. We have continually kept ourselves up-to-date and upgraded our technology and skills by attending national and international exhibitions.
<h2 class="mb30 gray-color font-n mt10" style="font-size: 16px;"> Through our persistent efforts to improve quality and expand our range, Akhand Glass Emporium has earned a reputation for its dedication to excellence and world-class services.
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<h4><a href="team-details.html">MR. RAJ SONGARA </a></h4>
<p>Founder, Akhand Glass </p>
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<h2 class="text-black">ASSOCIATED <span> BRANDS</span></h2>
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<h2 class="text-black">PROJECTS</h2>
<!-- <p>We build and create your dream designs for your luxurious home, office, business or Industries. We are committed for our best quality and services along with creative ideas and innovations..</p> -->
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<div class="count-outer"><span class="counter count count-text" data-count="4000">00</span></div>
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<h5>Residential Projects</h5>
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<h5> Commercial Projects</h5>
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<div class="count-outer"><span class="counter count count-text" data-count="6000">0,000</span></div>
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<h5>Total Projects</h5>
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<h2 class="text-black">OUR <span> SERVICES</span></h2>
<p>We build and create your dream designs for your luxurious home, office, business or Industries. We are committed for our best quality and services along with creative ideas and innovations..</p>
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<h4 class="h4a">Luxuries and modern concepts</h4>
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<p style="color:#0f62ac">We always travel with time, current updates and market trends. We understand your expectation and we always try our best to fulfill your desire by our trendy, luxuries, rich and modern work.</p>
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<p style="color:#0f62ac"> We create design as per customer’s demand and we have a highly skilled R & D team who research on design and provide focused & customized solutions which leads customer satisfaction.</p>
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<h4>Complete Service (Measurement to Installation)</h4>
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<p style="color:#0f62ac">We provide complete solution to our clients with initial visit of site followed by measurement to final installation.</p>
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<h4>Unmatched quality</h4>
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<p style="color:#0f62ac">We strongly believe in quality and follow strict quality control measures at our works. We are known for our unique glass designs; our unmatched quality makes us different from others.</p>
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<h4>Value of money</h4>
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<p style="color:#0f62ac">We understand value of money so we always provide premium work in your budget.</p>
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<h4>After Sales service</h4>
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<p style="color:#0f62ac">We always respect our customer's feedback if they have any problem, we provide solution to them, for it we have a after sales service team & customer care department.</p>
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<h2 class="text-black">CUSTOMER<span> FEEDBACK</span></h2>
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<h4>Mr. Vishnu Yadav</h4>
<p>Work completed on time, excellent service, and the best quality products. Truly satisfied with Akhand Glass Emporium's professionalism and craftsmanship!</p>
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<h4>Mr. Sanjay Sharma</h4>
<p>Akhand Glass Emporium nailed it! They worked precisely according to our needs with outstanding teamwork. The entire experience was seamless and stress-free. Truly a dream team delivering perfection!</p>
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<h4>Mr. Puneet Sahu</h4>
<p>The product quality is absolutely premium! I’m thoroughly impressed with the craftsmanship and attention to detail. If I had to rate Akhand Glass Emporium, it’s a solid 9 out of 10!</p>
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<h4>Mr. Vardhman Jain</h4>
<p>The service provided by Akhand Glass Emporium is truly exceptional and highly satisfying! I’m delighted to give a perfect 10 out of 10 for their dedication and outstanding quality.</p>
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<h4>Mr. Kanak Madak</h4>
<p>Akhand Glass Emporium delivers as promised! The work was completed on time, and the quality was truly satisfying. I’m happy to give them a perfect 10 out of 10!</p>
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