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"Leadfeeder": "Leadfeeder shows you which companies are visiting your site.",
"SalesViewer": "SalesViewer® identifies your anonymous website visitors to try to increase your sales productivity.",
"Google Analytics": "Google Analytics offers a host of compelling features and benefits for everyone from senior executives and advertising and marketing professionals to site owners and content developers.",
"Google Universal Analytics": "The analytics.js JavaScript snippet is a new way to measure how users interact with your website. It is similar to the previous Google tracking code, ga.js, but offers more flexibility for developers to customize their implementations.",
"Global Site Tag": "Google's primary tag for Google Measurement/Conversion Tracking, Adwords and DoubleClick.",
"Fastly": "Real-time Analytics and CDN platform. Analyze your web and server traffic patterns in real-time.",
"Google Analytics IP Anonymization": "The website doesn't report your IP address to Google Analytics.",
"Google Conversion Tracking": "This free tool in AdWords can show you what happens after customers click your ad (for example, whether they purchased your product, called from a mobile phone or downloaded your app).",
"Google AdWords Conversion": "Adwords conversion tracking code.",
"Cloudflare Bot Manager": "Stop bad bots by using threat intelligence.",
"Google Tag Manager": "Tag management that lets you add and update website tags without changes to underlying website code.",
"Cookie Consent by Osano": "Popular solution for the EU cookie law. Previously Insites Cookie Consent and Silktide Cookie Consent.",
"Silktide Cookie Consent": "A free, open source solution to the EU cookie law. Now known as Cookie Consent by Insites.",
"US Privacy User Signal Mechanism": "The US Privacy API (USP API) is a lightweight API used to communicate signals represented in the US Privacy String.",
"CrUX Dataset": "CrUX is a data collection system that gathers information about how real users interact with websites. This website is included in the user experiences data gathered from Google Chrome and thus considered sufficiently popular on the Internet.",
"CrUX Top 5m": "Relative measure of site popularity within the CrUX dataset, measured by the total number of navigations on the origin. This site is in the top 5 million.",
"CrUX Top 10m": "Relative measure of site popularity within the CrUX dataset, measured by the total number of navigations on the origin. This site is in the top 10 million.",
"Cloudflare Radar": "The website appears on the Cloudflare Radar Top 1m sites list",
"Cloudflare Radar Top 50k": "The website appears in the Cloudflare Radar Top 50,000.",
"English - Inferred": "Based on the title and description text the website content is potentially English.",
"Webflow Ecommerce": "Webflow Ecommerce is an ecommerce website builder that offers complete freedom with no-code platform to design, sell, and scale websites. It enables users to start building the future of ecommerce.",
"Apollo GraphQL": "App development framework.",
"Cloudflare": "Automatically optimizes the delivery of your web pages so your visitors get the fastest page load times and best performance.",
"CloudFront": "Amazon CloudFront is a web service for content delivery. It integrates with other Amazon Web Services to give developers and businesses an easy way to distribute content to end users with low latency, high data transfer speeds, and no commitments.",
"jsDelivr": "A free CDN where Javascript developers can host their files. Encompasses MaxCDN, and BootstrapCDN.",
"Apple Mobile Web Clips Icon": "This page contains an icon for iPhone, iPad and iTouch devices.",
"Viewport Meta": "This page uses the viewport meta tag which means the content may be optimized for mobile content.",
"IPhone / Mobile Compatible": "The website contains code that allows the page to support IPhone / Mobile Content.",
"Euro": "The website uses the € symbol on its website - meaning it may accept payment in Euros.",
"Atlassian Cloud": "Products including Jira and Confluence.",
"Google Search Appliance": "Google Search for Work system provides searching of internal business systems.",
"Postman": "Build, test, and document your APIs.",
"Webflow": "Webflow is a website builder for designing custom, professional websites without code.",
"jQuery": "JQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript.",
"jQuery 3.5.1": "jQuery version 3.5.1",
"core-js": "Modular standard library for JavaScript.",
"Underscore.js": "Underscore is a utility-belt library for JavaScript that provides functional programming support.",
"Moment JS": "moment.js is a date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates.",
"lodash": "Lo-dash is an alternative and a drop-in replacement for Underscore.js.",
"React": "A JavaScript library for building user interfaces from Facebook.",
"crypto browserify": "A port of node's crypto module to the browser.",
"Day.js": "Day.js is a javascript date time library.",
"LinkedIn": "The website mentions linkedin.com in some form.",
"Twitter": "The website mentions twitter.com in some form.",
"Facebook": "The website mentions facebook.com in some form.",
"Google Play Store Link": "Links to a Game/Movie/App/Book on the Google Play Store.",
"DoubleClick.Net": "DoubleClick enables agencies, marketers and publishers to work together successfully and profit from their digital marketing investments. Owned by Google and now referred to as DoubleClick Digital Marketing or Google Enterprise Advertising.",
"Dmarcian": "DMARC SaaS platform for compliance.",
"SPF": "The Sender Policy Framework is an open standard specifying a technical method to prevent sender address forgery.",
"Microsoft Azure DNS": "This domain is verified with Microsoft Azure.",
"DMARC": "A technical specification created by a group of organizations that want to help reduce the potential for email-based abuse",
"DMARC Quarantine": "The domain has a DMARC policy of 'Quarantine'. This tells the receiving mail server that all emails that do not have your domain name in the “From” field (or any other set criteria) should be quarantined by default.",
"Google Apps for Business": "Web-based email, calendar, and documents for teams. Renamed to Google Apps for Work, but now known as G Suite from Google Cloud.",
"SSL by Default": "The website redirects traffic to an HTTPS/SSL version by default.",
"Cloudflare SSL": "SSL solutions from Cloudflare",
"LetsEncrypt": "Let’s Encrypt is a free open Certificate Authority.",
"HSTS": "Forces browsers to only communicate with the site using HTTPS.",
"Cloudflare Hosting": "Supercharged web hosting service.",
"Amazon": "This site is hosted on Amazon AWS EC2 Infrastructure.",
"Amazon Ireland Region": "Amazon Hosted EC2 Instances in Ireland",
"Amazon Virginia Region": "Amazon Hosted EC2 Instances in Virginia",
"Amazon Oregon Region": "Amazon Hosted EC2 Instances in Oregon",
"Amazon Sydney Region": "Amazon Hosted EC2 Instances in Sydney",
"Amazon Mumbai Region": "Amazon hosting in Mumbai India region.",
"Amazon Paris Region": "Amazon Hosted EC2 Instances in the city of love.",
"Amazon Stockholm Region": "Amazon hosting in Stockholm.",
"Microsoft": "This site is hosted on Microsoft infrastructure",
"Webflow Hosting": "WebFlow designer tool hosting.",
"Swedish Server Location": "The web server is located in Sweden.",
"Edge Network": "The website has two or more IP addresses associated with it.",
"Cloudflare DNS": "DNS services provided by Cloudflare.",
"IPv6": "The website has an IPv6 record.",
"AWS Lambda": "Execute code seamlessly without server management, workload scaling, event integration, or runtime maintenance.",
"Microsoft Azure Verified CDN": "Content hosted on Azure CDN services. Encompassing Front Door.",
"Amazon S3 CDN": "Amazon S3 is storage for the Internet. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers.",
"Cloudflare CDN": "Content owned by this site hosted on the Cloudflare CDN.",
"Content Delivery Network": "This page contains links that give the impression that some of the site contents are stored on a content delivery network.",
"Google Webmaster": "Webmaster tools provide you with a free and easy way to make your site more Google-friendly."
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"Registrar WHOIS Server": "whois.markmonitor.com",
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"Registrant City": "West Hollywood",
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"Registrant Country": "US",
"Registrant Phone": "+1.3102949599",
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"Admin Name": "Domain Administrator",
"Admin Organization": "Prodege, LLC",
"Admin Street": "8605 Santa Monica Blvd, PMB 36227",
"Admin City": "West Hollywood",
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"Admin Country": "US",
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"Admin Email": "[email protected]",
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"Tech Organization": "Prodege, LLC",
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"Tech City": "West Hollywood",
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"Tech Country": "US",
"Tech Phone": "+1.3102949599",
"Tech Phone Ext": "",
"Tech Fax": "",
"Tech Fax Ext": "",
"Tech Email": "[email protected]",
"DNSSEC": "unsigned",
"URL of the ICANN Whois Inaccuracy Complaint Form": "https://www.icann.org/wicf/",
">>> Last update of WHOIS database": "2025-02-07T23:52:52Z <<<",
"text": [
"For more information on Whois status codes, please visit https://icann.org/epp",
"Terms of Use: Access to WHOIS information is provided to assist persons in determining the contents of a domain name registration record in the registry database. The data in this record is provided by Identity Digital or the Registry Operator for informational purposes only, and accuracy is not guaranteed. This service is intended only for query-based access. You agree that you will use this data only for lawful purposes and that, under no circumstances will you use this data to (a) allow, enable, or otherwise support the transmission by e-mail, telephone, or facsimile of mass unsolicited, commercial advertising or solicitations to entities other than the data recipient's own existing customers; or (b) enable high volume, automated, electronic processes that send queries or data to the systems of Registry Operator, a Registrar, or Identity Digital except as reasonably necessary to register domain names or modify existing registrations. When using the Whois service, please consider the following: The Whois service is not a replacement for standard EPP commands to the SRS service. Whois is not considered authoritative for registered domain objects. The Whois service may be scheduled for downtime during production or OT&E maintenance periods. Queries to the Whois services are throttled. If too many queries are received from a single IP address within a specified time, the service will begin to reject further queries for a period of time to prevent disruption of Whois service access. Abuse of the Whois system through data mining is mitigated by detecting and limiting bulk query access from single sources. Where applicable, the presence of a [Non-Public Data] tag indicates that such data is not made publicly available due to applicable data privacy laws or requirements. Should you wish to contact the registrant, please refer to the Whois records available through the registrar URL listed above. Access to non-public data may be provided, upon request, where it can be reasonably confirmed that the requester holds a specific legitimate interest and a proper legal basis for accessing the withheld data. Access to this data provided by Identity Digital can be requested by submitting a request via the form found at https://www.identity.digital/about/policies/whois-layered-access/. The Registrar of Record identified in this output may have an RDDS service that can be queried for additional information on how to contact the Registrant, Admin, or Tech contact of the queried domain name. Identity Digital Inc. and Registry Operator reserve the right to modify these terms at any time. By submitting this query, you agree to abide by this policy."
"whois.markmonitor.com": {
"Domain Status": [
"clientUpdateProhibited (https://www.icann.org/epp#clientUpdateProhibited)",
"clientTransferProhibited (https://www.icann.org/epp#clientTransferProhibited)",
"clientDeleteProhibited (https://www.icann.org/epp#clientDeleteProhibited)"
"Name Server": [
"Domain Name": "bitlabs.ai",
"Registry Domain ID": "810ac536aa654ed5819eb4d494b4f800-DONUTS",
"Registrar WHOIS Server": "whois.markmonitor.com",
"Registrar URL": "http://www.markmonitor.com",
"Updated Date": "2025-01-24T18:16:47+0000",
"Created Date": "2019-05-10T13:34:23+0000",
"Expiry Date": "2027-05-10T13:34:23+0000",
"Registrar": "MarkMonitor, Inc.",
"Registrar IANA ID": "292",
"Registrar Abuse Contact Email": "[email protected]",
"Registrar Abuse Contact Phone": "+1.2086851750",
"Registrant Organization": "Prodege, LLC",
"Registrant State/Province": "CA",
"Registrant Country": "US",
"Registrant Email": "Select Request Email Form at https://domains.markmonitor.com/whois/bitlabs.ai",
"Admin Organization": "Prodege, LLC",
"Admin State/Province": "CA",
"Admin Country": "US",
"Admin Email": "Select Request Email Form at https://domains.markmonitor.com/whois/bitlabs.ai",
"Tech Organization": "Prodege, LLC",
"Tech State/Province": "CA",
"Tech Country": "US",
"Tech Email": "Select Request Email Form at https://domains.markmonitor.com/whois/bitlabs.ai",
"DNSSEC": "unsigned",
"URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System": "http://wdprs.internic.net/",
">>> Last update of WHOIS database": "2025-02-07T23:52:53+0000 <<<",
"text": [
"For more information on WHOIS status codes, please visit:",
"If you wish to contact this domain’s Registrant, Administrative, or Technical",
"contact, and such email address is not visible above, you may do so via our web",
"form, pursuant to ICANN’s Temporary Specification. To verify that you are not a",
"robot, please enter your email address to receive a link to a page that",
"facilitates email communication with the relevant contact(s).",
"Web-based WHOIS:",
"If you have a legitimate interest in viewing the non-public WHOIS details, send",
"your request and the reasons for your request to [email protected]",
"and specify the domain name in the subject line. We will review that request and",
"may ask for supporting documentation and explanation.",
"The data in MarkMonitor’s WHOIS database is provided for information purposes,",
"and to assist persons in obtaining information about or related to a domain",
"name’s registration record. While MarkMonitor believes the data to be accurate,",
"the data is provided \"as is\" with no guarantee or warranties regarding its",
"By submitting a WHOIS query, you agree that you will use this data only for",
"lawful purposes and that, under no circumstances will you use this data to:",
"(1) allow, enable, or otherwise support the transmission by email, telephone,",
"or facsimile of mass, unsolicited, commercial advertising, or spam; or",
"(2) enable high volume, automated, or electronic processes that send queries,",
"data, or email to MarkMonitor (or its systems) or the domain name contacts (or",
"its systems).",
"MarkMonitor reserves the right to modify these terms at any time.",
"By submitting this query, you agree to abide by this policy.",
"MarkMonitor Domain Management(TM)",
"Protecting companies and consumers in a digital world.",
"Visit MarkMonitor at https://www.markmonitor.com",
"Contact us at +1.8007459229",
"In Europe, at +44.02032062220"
"url": "https://bitlabs.ai",
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