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Started","PAGE_DOWNLOAD":"Download","PAGE_DOWNLOADS":"Downloads","PAGE_ZOE":"Zoë","GITHUB_STR":"GitHub","BLOG":"Blog","JSDELIVR_STR":"JSDelivr","ADS_TITLE":"HTML Ads with CreateJS","ADS_MESSAGE":"CreateJS is a leading solution for the development of HTML5 Ads. Check out the white paper, authored by <a href=\"https://twitter.com/gskinner\" class=\"link-inline\">Grant Skinner</a> of gskinner, and Cory Hudson of AOL on creating interactive HTML5 advertising using CreateJS and Adobe Animate. Also included is a handy AdHelper utility, which solves common challenges developers face when building ads.","ADS_LINK_LOCATION":"http://createjs.com/html5ads/","ADS_LINK_TEXT":"Read the White Paper","SPONSOR_TITLE":"CreateJS is sponsored by","DEMO_MOBILE_NOTICE":"Can't see the demo? These files are optimized to a 960x400 resolution, try turning your device to landscape.","GITHUB_TITLE":"Latest From GitHub","MORE":"More","HOME":{"META_TITLE":"CreateJS | A suite of JavaScript libraries and tools designed for working with HTML5","META_DESCRIPTION":"A suite of modular libraries and tools which work together or independently to enable rich interactive content on open web technologies via HTML5.","VALUE_PROPOSITION":"A suite of modular libraries and tools which work together or independently to enable rich interactive content on open web technologies via HTML5.","DESCRIPTION_EASELJS":"A JavaScript library that makes working with the HTML5 Canvas element easy.","DESCRIPTION_TWEENJS":"A JavaScript library for tweening and animating HTML5 and JavaScript properties.","DESCRIPTION_SOUNDJS":"A JavaScript library that lets you easily and efficiently work with audio on the web.","DESCRIPTION_PRELOADJS":"A JavaScript library that lets you manage and co-ordinate the loading of assets and data.","LEARN_MORE":"Learn More","TWITTER_TITLE":"Latest Tweets","WORKFLOW_TITLE":"Workflow Integration","WORKFLOW_ANIMATE_DESCRIPTION":"Using the HTML5 Document feature in <a class=\"link-inline\" href=\"https://helpx.adobe.com/animate/using/creating-publishing-html5-canvas-document.html\">Adobe Animate</a>, build interfaces, animations, and asset libraries, and export directly to CreateJS. Generated code is compact, readable, and performant.","WORKFLOW_ZOE_DESCRIPTION":"<a class=\"link-inline\" href=\"/zoe\">Zoë</a> is an AIR application for exporting SWF animations as EaselJS spritesheets for use in Canvas and CSS. Maintain frame labels, reuse similar frames, and more!","WORKFLOW_CTA":"For more ways to improve your workflow, <a class=\"link-inline\" href=\"/tools\">visit our tools page.</a>","INSTRUCTIONS_TITLE":"Installation","INSTRUCTIONS_DESCRIPTION":"Follow these basic steps to get CreateJS up and running on your site.","INSTRUCTIONS_STEP_1":"Add CreateJS to your document's head.","INSTRUCTIONS_STEP_2":"It's that simple!","INSTRUCTIONS_CTA":"For guides on using each of the individual libraries, <a class=\"link-inline\" href=\"/getting-started\">visit our learning section.</a>","COMMUNITY_TITLE":"Join the Discussion","BROWSER_TITLE":"Browser Support","BROWSER_MESSAGE":"CreateJS libraries are interoperable with all modern desktop and mobile browsers, and have been thoroughly tested to achieve performance and reliability in the widest range of browsers possible.","MORE_INFO":"More Info","UPDATE":{"2019":{"JANUARY":"SoundJS 2.0 Beta Available"},"2018":{"AUGUST":"ES2016 Development Branches of EaselJS and TweenJS","FEBRUARY":"CreateJS 1.0 Released!"}}},"EASELJS":{"META_TITLE":"EaselJS | A JavaScript library that makes working with the HTML5 Canvas element easy.","META_DESCRIPTION":"EaselJS is a JavaScript library that makes working with the HTML5 Canvas element easy. Useful for creating games, generative art, and other highly graphical experiences.","VALUE_PROPOSITION":"A JavaScript library that makes working with the HTML5 Canvas element easy. Useful for creating games, generative art, and other highly graphical experiences.","DESCRIPTION":"EaselJS provides straight forward solutions for working with rich graphics and interactivity with HTML5 Canvas. It provides an API that is familiar to Adobe Animate developers, but embraces JavaScript sensibilities. It consists of a full, hierarchical display list, a core interaction model, and helper classes to make working with Canvas much easier.","BULLET_1":"Rich HTML5 Content","BULLET_2":"Canvas Display Objects","BULLET_3":"Object Nesting","BULLET_4":"Mouse Interaction Model","BULLET_5":"Familiar Approach for Devs","DEMO_CTA":"For more examples with editable code, <a href=\"/demos/easeljs\" class=\"link-inline\">head to the demos page.</a>","UPDATE":{"2018":{"AUGUST":"Public preview branches of EaselJS 2.0 built in ES2016","FEBRUARY":"EaselJS 1.0 Released!"}}},"TWEENJS":{"META_TITLE":"TweenJS | A JavaScript library for tweening and animating HTML5 and JavaScript properties.","META_DESCRIPTION":"TweenJS is a simple but powerful JavaScript library for tweening and animating HTML5 and JavaScript properties.","VALUE_PROPOSITION":"A simple but powerful JavaScript library for tweening and animating HTML5 and JavaScript properties. Works stand-alone or integrated with EaselJS.","DESCRIPTION":"TweenJS is a simple tweening library for use in JavaScript. It was developed to integrate well with the EaselJS library, but is not dependent on or specific to it. It supports tweening of both numeric object properties & CSS style properties. The API is simple but very powerful, making it easy to create complex tweens by chaining commands.","BULLET_1":"Apply Easing and Delays","BULLET_2":"Numeric or Non-Numeric","BULLET_3":"Sequences Multiple Tweens","BULLET_4":"Supports CSS Properties","BULLET_5":"Familiar Approach for Devs","DEMO_CTA":"For more examples with editable code, <a href=\"/demos/tweenjs\" class=\"link-inline\">head to the demos page.</a>","UPDATE":{"2018":{"AUGUST":"Public preview branches of TweenJS 2.0 built in ES2016","FEBRUARY":"TweenJS 1.0 Released!"}}},"SOUNDJS":{"META_TITLE":"SoundJS | A JavaScript library that lets you easily work with HTML5 audio.","META_DESCRIPTION":"SoundJS is a JavaScript library that provides a simple API, and powerful features to make working with audio a breeze.","VALUE_PROPOSITION":"A JavaScript library that provides a simple API, and powerful features to make working with audio a breeze. Easily ties in audio file loading to PreloadJS.","DESCRIPTION":"SoundJS abstracts HTML5 sound implementation, making adding consistent cross-browser sound to your games or rich experiences much easier. You can query for capabilities, then specify and prioritize what APIs, plugins, and features are leveraged for specific devices or browsers.","BULLET_1":"Detect Capabilities","BULLET_2":"Prioritize Fallbacks","BULLET_3":"Reduce Guess Work","BULLET_4":"Support Edge Cases","BULLET_5":"Leverage Tested Solutions","DEMO_CTA":"For more examples with editable code, <a href=\"/demos/soundjs\" class=\"link-inline\">head to the demos page.</a>","UPDATE":{"2019":{"JANUARY":"SoundJS 2.0 Beta Available"},"2018":{"OCTOBER":"Development started on a 2.0 ES2016 version. Stay tuned!","FEBRUARY":"SoundJS 1.0 Released!"}}},"PRELOADJS":{"META_TITLE":"PreloadJS | A JavaScript library that lets you manage and co-ordinate the loading of assets.","META_DESCRIPTION":"PreloadJS is a JavaScript library that lets you manage and co-ordinate the loading of assets.","VALUE_PROPOSITION":"A JavaScript library that lets you manage and co-ordinate the loading of assets and data.","DESCRIPTION":"PreloadJS makes it easy to preload your assets: images, sounds, JS, fonts, text, and more. It uses XHR2 to provide real progress information when available, or fall back to tag loading and eased progress when it isn’t. It allows multiple queues, multiple connections, pausing queues, and a lot more.","BULLET_1":"Preloads Data and Assets","BULLET_2":"Reports Progress via XHR2","BULLET_3":"Falls Back to Tag Loading","BULLET_4":"Multiple Queues","BULLET_5":"Leverage Tested Solutions","DEMO_CTA":"For more examples with editable code, <a href=\"/demos/preloadjs\" class=\"link-inline\">head to the demos page.</a>","UPDATE":{"2018":{"OCTOBER":"Planning for 2.0 ES2016 underway!","FEBRUARY":"PreloadJS 1.0 Released!"}}},"ZOE":{"META_TITLE":"Zoë | A tool for exporting SWF animations as EaselJS sprite sheets.","META_DESCRIPTION":"A stand alone tool for exporting SWF animations as EaselJS sprite sheets that can be used in Canvas and CSS.","VALUE_PROPOSITION":"A stand alone tool for exporting SWF animations as EaselJS sprite sheets that can be used in Canvas and CSS.","DESCRIPTION":"Zoë is an AIR application that converts SWF animations to sprite sheets. Simply drag a SWF onto the application, and Zoë will automatically detect the required dimensions for the images in your sprite sheet, maintain any frame labels present in your SWF (for controlling playback), and export a sprite sheet. Other advanced features are also included.","BULLET_1":"SWFs to Sprite Sheets","BULLET_2":"Configure Frame Reuse","BULLET_3":"Auto-Detects Dimensions","BULLET_4":"Maintains Frame Labels","BULLET_5":"Supports Nested Graphics","UPDATE":{"2018":{"JULY":"Support for Zoë has been deprecated. Consider Adobe Animate's native animated Spritesheet support"}}},"GETTING_STARTED":{"META_TITLE":"CreateJS | Getting Started","META_DESCRIPTION":"Learn how to install any of the libraries, choose from a variety of tutorials, or go straight to the full documentation.","BANNER_TITLE":"Getting Started","BANNER_DESCRIPTION":"Learn how to install any of the libraries, choose from a variety of tutorials, or go straight to the full documentation.","VIEW_LIBRARY":"View Library","OFFICIAL_TUTORIALS":"Official Tutorials","COMMUNITY_TUTORIALS":"Community Tutorials","EASELJS_SECTION_1":"Include the EaselJS libraries in your project by linking to the CreateJS CDN.","EASELJS_SECTION_2":"Create a canvas element within your body tag, and set the body to call a function when it has loaded.","EASELJS_SECTION_3":"Create a function called init() and append it to either the head or body. This is where we will use EaselJS.","EASELJS_SECTION_4":"Define a stage by creating a new Stage instance, passing in our canvas element's ID. This stage will hold all of our display objects and act as the visual container to our project.","EASELJS_SECTION_5":"Let's create a shape. First, we need a new Shape instance. Then we can use shape's graphics API to give it color and bounds. Position it on the canvas with x and y coordinates, and add it to our stage.","EASELJS_SECTION_6":"Finally, we need to update our stage to display the shape we just added.","EASELJS_SECTION_7":"Voila! You should have a nice blue circle on your canvas. You're on your way to being an EaselJS Picasso!","EASELJS_OFFICIAL_1":"Inheritance","EASELJS_OFFICIAL_2":"Animation and Ticker","EASELJS_OFFICIAL_3":"Embedding Google WebFonts with CreateJS","EASELJS_OFFICIAL_4":"Mouse Interaction","EASELJS_OFFICIAL_5":"Hit Test","EASELJS_COMMUNITY_1":"Using CreateJS - EaselJS","EASELJS_COMMUNITY_2":"From Animate To JavaScript to HTML5 Canvas","EASELJS_COMMUNITY_3":"Playing with the DOM Element: Animate Your Forms!","EASELJS_COMMUNITY_4":"Combining EaselJS and Box2D in Canvas","EASELJS_COMMUNITY_5":"Building a Game with EaselJS","EASELJS_COMMUNITY_6":"Drag and Drop Shapes in EaselJS","EASELJS_COMMUNITY_7":"Creating a Picture Gallery with HTML5","TWEENJS_SECTION_1":"Let's start with something easy. Follow our EaselJS tutorial above to get a shape on our canvas.","TWEENJS_SECTION_2":"If you only have EaselJS added to your head, add TweenJS as well.","TWEENJS_SECTION_3":"Remove the stage.update() call that we have at the bottom of our init() function.","TWEENJS_SECTION_4":"In that empty space is where we will put our tweening. First, get our circle instance and pass in loop: true, so our animation runs infinitely. The .to's you see tell the object what to do and where to go, as well as how long to take and what easing to use. Changing the x value will move the object horizontally, and changing the alpha value will fade it out or in.","TWEENJS_SECTION_5":"Remember that we removed stage.update() from our script. This is because Tween has its own way of refreshing the stage. First, set the FPS (how many times you want the stage to refresh per second). Second, add an event listener to that same Ticker class that will actually cause the stage refresh each time a tick is caught.","TWEENJS_SECTION_6":"Ta da! Your red circle should now shift right, fade in and out, and then zip back to its original place. Feel free to change the values as you see fit.","TWEENJS_COMMUNITY_1":"Playin with the DOM Element: Animate Your Forms!","TWEENJS_COMMUNITY_2":"TweenJS Test Suite","SOUNDJS_SECTION_1":"Include the SoundJS libraries in your project by linking to the CreateJS CDN.","SOUNDJS_SECTION_2":"There are many ways to load and play a sound. Since we want to be able to use this sound repeatedly, we will load it once on the body load, and play it any time we click our desired element.","SOUNDJS_SECTION_3":"Don't have an audio file handy? Use ours: ","SOUNDJS_SECTION_4":"For this basic example, we only need one sound file. We're going to put the sound ID in the global scope for ease of access.","SOUNDJS_SECTION_5":"Now to load the sound. In the document head, access the Sound class and call the registerSound() method, passing in the path to our file and the ID that we want to be associated with it.","SOUNDJS_SECTION_6":"To play the sound, call the play() method and pass in our soundID variable.","SOUNDJS_SECTION_7":"Click away! The sound will play every time you click the button.","SOUNDSJ_OFFICIAL_1":"Basics and Best Practices","SOUNDSJ_OFFICIAL_2":"Mobile Safe Approach","SOUNDSJ_OFFICIAL_3":"Preloading Audio with SoundJS and PreloadJS","PRELOADJS_SECTION_1":"Include the PreloadJS libraries in your project by linking to the CreateJS CDN.","PRELOADJS_SECTION_2":"There are several ways to trigger the loading of assets. We're going to call the load function when we click this button.","PRELOADJS_SECTION_3":"Instantiate a new LoadQueue class that we can use during this tutorial. Since we want to call a function when our asset load completes, apply an event listener to the queue instance for that listens for 'fileload' and calls the handleFileComplete function when it is triggered. Use the loadFile() method to load your chosen file by passing in its source.","PRELOADJS_SECTION_4":"PreloadJS recognizes file types and sets the HTML elements it appends accordingly. Read more here: <a href=\"./Docs/PreloadJS/classes/LoadQueue.html\">LoadQueue Docs</a>","PRELOADJS_SECTION_5":"Append your returned asset to the document.","PRELOADJS_SECTION_6":"Bravo! You've made it possible to dynamically load assets whenever you want!","PRELOADJS_SECTION_7":"Getting an error related to CORS-Request and stuff about HTTP Headers? You're probably linking your file source from outside your project files or web domain. Read more here: <a href=\"./Docs/PreloadJS/modules/PreloadJS.html\">PreloadJS and CORS</a>","PRELOADJS_COMMUNITY_1":"Image Slideshow with PreloadJS, JQuery and TweenMax","ZOE_COMMUNITY_1":"Create SpriteSheets in Adobe Animate for EaselJS","ZOE_COMMUNITY_2":"Creating SpriteSheets for EaselJS with Zoe"},"DOWNLOADS":{"META_TITLE":"CreateJS | Downloads","META_DESCRIPTION":"Download the source code from GitHub or get a CDN link for any of the libraries.","COPY_CDN_URL":"Copy CDN URL","CDN_STR":"CDN","SITE_BADGE":"Site Badge","COPIED_TO_CLIPBOARD":"Copied to Clipboard"},"TOOLS":{"META_TITLE":"CreateJS | Tools","META_DESCRIPTION":"A collection of tools and scripts that help to streamline your CreateJS workflow.","BANNER_TITLE":"Tools","BANNER_DESCRIPTION":"A collection of tools and scripts that help to streamline your CreateJS workflow.","CHECK_IT_OUT":"Check it Out","TOOL":{"ANIMATE":{"TITLE":"Adobe Animate","DESCRIPTION":"Using the HTML5 Document feature in Adobe Animate, build interfaces, animations, and asset libraries, and export directly to CreateJS. Generated code is compact, readable, and performant.","LINK":"http://helpx.adobe.com/animate/using/creating-publishing-html5-canvas-document.html","ICON":"animate-icon-color.png","TAGS":"animate,workflow,html"},"ZOE":{"TITLE":"Zoë","DESCRIPTION":"An AIR application for exporting SWF animations as EaselJS spritesheets for use in Canvas and CSS. Maintain frame labels, reuse similar frames, and more!","LINK":"/zoe","ICON":"zoe-icon-application.png","TAGS":"animate,workflow,spritesheet"},"ADHELPER":{"TITLE":"Animate AdHelper","DESCRIPTION":"A handy helper utility, which solves some common challenges developers face when building ads with Adobe Animate.","LINK":"https://github.com/CreateJS/html5ads/","ICON":"banner_ads-icon.svg","TAGS":"animate,workflow,ads,utility"},"TEXTUREPACKER":{"TITLE":"TexturePacker","DESCRIPTION":"TexturePacker is a GUI and command line tool to create sprite sheets or sprite atlases.","LINK":"https://www.codeandweb.com/texturepacker","ICON":"texturepacker.png","TAGS":"workflow,spritesheet"},"ZIMJS":{"TITLE":"ZIMjs","DESCRIPTION":"ZIMjs is a library of interactive media modules built for and with CreateJS.","LINK":"http://zimjs.com","ICON":"zimjs.png","TAGS":"library,workflow"},"INTELXDK":{"TITLE":"Intel® XDK","DESCRIPTION":"Take advantage of Intel® XDK tools to test, debug, build, and deploy your EaselJS games quickly to Google Play, Apple App Store, Windows Store, across diverse mobile devices.","LINK":"https://software.intel.com/en-us/html5/tools","ICON":"intelXDK.png","TAGS":"workflow"},"TXTJS":{"TITLE":"TxtJS","DESCRIPTION":"An extension library for CreateJS that renders character glyphs on the canvas element using SVGPath drawing commands.","LINK":"http://txtjs.com/","ICON":"txtjs.png","TAGS":"text,library,vector"},"NODEEASEL":{"TITLE":"Node-Easel","DESCRIPTION":"Node wrapper for EaselJS. Allows you to run EaselJS on the server side.","LINK":"https://github.com/wdamien/node-easel","ICON":"","TAGS":"server"},"EASELFL":{"TITLE":"EaselFL","DESCRIPTION":"A SWF-based fallback for older browsers that do not support Canvas, but have Flash Player 9+ installed. Uses EaselJS if Canvas is available, or EaselFL if Flash Player 9+ is available and canvas is not.","LINK":"https://github.com/periscopic/EaselFL","ICON":"","TAGS":"animate,workflow"},"TYPESCRIPT":{"TITLE":"Typescript Definitions","DESCRIPTION":"You can find the typescript definitions of CreateJS's libraries here.","LINK":"https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped","ICON":"","TAGS":"workflow"},"SUBLIME":{"TITLE":"Sublime Text 2 - Code Completion for EaselJS","DESCRIPTION":"Code completion and syntax highlighting for EaselJS in SublimeText2.","LINK":"https://github.com/olsn/SublimeText2-EaselJS-Completion","ICON":"","TAGS":"workflow"},"PHOTOSHOP":{"TITLE":"Photoshop to EaselJS Spritesheets","DESCRIPTION":"A Photoshop script to output EaselJS / CreateJS SpriteSheets.","LINK":"https://github.com/davidderaedt/createjs-utils/tree/master/photoshop-extension","ICON":"","TAGS":"workflow,spritesheet"},"ZOEUNITY":{"TITLE":"Zoë to Unity Importer","DESCRIPTION":"This script allows the user to import sprite sheets made with Zoe directly into Unity. It will slice your sprite sheet and create animation clips for you.","LINK":"https://github.com/cfbevan/UnityZoeImport","ICON":"","TAGS":"workflow,spritesheet,unity"},"AUDIOSPRITE":{"TITLE":"Audio Sprite Generator","DESCRIPTION":"A CreateJS-compatible, Node-based utility that combines multiple sound files into a single audio sprite and JSON definition.","LINK":"https://github.com/tonistiigi/audiosprite","ICON":"","TAGS":"workflow,audio"},"TOOLKITDEFS":{"TITLE":"Toolkit Definitions Generator","DESCRIPTION":"Generates definition files for various languages from Adobe Animate's HTML5 output.","LINK":"https://github.com/elsassph/createjs-def","ICON":"","TAGS":"workflow"}}},"DOCS":{"META_TITLE":"CreateJS | Docs","META_DESCRIPTION":"API Documentation to quickly reference what you need to know while working with CreateJS.","TITLE":"Online Documentation","OFFLINE":"A zipped version of the documentation, including full docs for the NEXT versions of each library are available in the respective <a class=\"link-inline\" href=\"http://github.com/CreateJS\">GitHub repositories</a>.","NOTES_TITLE_1":"Notes","NOTES_MESSAGE_1":"Mobile browsers require a \"click-to-play\" to activate Web Audio. This happens by default in SoundJS version 0.7.x+","NOTES_TITLE_2":"Support for IE8 and below","NOTES_MESSAGE_2":"CreateJS libraries inheritance approach changed in EaselJS 0.8, TweenJS 0.6, PreloadJS 0.6, and SoundJS 0.6 is not compatible with IE8 and below. For library support for earlier versions of IE, use an older version of the libraries, available as tags/releases in GitHub, and on the CreateJS CDN.","NOTES_MESSAGE_3":"EaselJS is only compatible with browsers that support the HTML5 Canvas.","NOTES_MESSAGE_4":"Specific features will only work when supported by the browser. For example, WebAudio APIs and XmlHttpRequests require browser support in order to function.","NOTES_MESSAGE_5":"SoundJS only supports IE8 and earlier using an earlier version (< 0.5.2) with a SWF fallback.","NOTES_MESSAGE_SUMMARY":"Additional notes for browser support is available on the main page of the documentation for each library."},"DEMOS":{"META_TITLE":"CreateJS | Demos","FOR":"for","META_DESCRIPTION":"A collection of demos that showcase the power of CreateJS.","MORE_DEMOS":"More Demos","LIVE_EDIT":"Live Edit","VIEW_SOURCE":"View Source","RUN":"Run","RESET":"Reset"},"ERROR":{"META_TITLE":"CreateJS | 404","META_DESCRIPTION":"Page not found :(","TITLE":404,"SUBTITLE":"Page not found..."}};
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