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<h1>A Legacy of Quality</h1>
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<p class="hero">App Development & Web Development</p>
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<p class="hero">Design & Development</p>
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<p class="hero">PHP, Angular JS, HTML5 & CSS3</p>
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<h2 class="big-title" style="color:#2cc130;font-weight:600;">We're Android & iOS Mobile App developing</h2>
<h1 class="big-subtitle">Let’s make app development for your business a breeze!</h1>
<p class="about-text">Initially, <span style="color:green;font-weight:400;">Eminent Mobile Solutions</span> began as a small enterprise focused on developing mobile applications. However, presently, our product range has expanded to encompass a more diverse array of services. Our expertise now includes developing complex web projects with both backend and frontend components, crafting solutions for Android, iOS, and cross-platform systems, all of which we approach with an enthusiastic dedication to ensuring your customer satisfaction.</p><br>
<p class="about-text">We take pride in constructing top-quality mobile applications and other services that are tailored to meet your specific needs. We can help bring your ideas to life from the initial prototyping stage all the way through to perfecting the final product, paying close attention to user interface and experience, frontend and backend development, framework integration, and security. At any point in the process, we can also provide support for products that were not originally created by our team.</p>
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<h4>Best Solutions for Your Business</h4>
<p>Our vast knowledge in multiple business domains enables us to handle your project at any stage, be it starting from scratch or integrating it into an existing process. We are capable of refining your web and mobile development solution to perfection. </p>
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<span class="icon-piechart"></span>
<h4>The Efficient team of experts</h4>
<p>We offer web and mobile app development services for a variety of platforms. Our team comprises highly skilled and motivated professionals who are always ready to tackle any challenge you present us with.</p>
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<span class="icon-lifesaver"></span>
<h4>Dedicated support</h4>
<p>We take full responsibility for the quality of all our products and strive for perfection. Even after the product has been released and published on application markets, we continue to offer our clients ongoing support for app development.</p>
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<h2 style="color:#2cc130;font-weight:600;">Go Bold With Us</h2>
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<p>What differentiate us from other app development agencies is our approach. We begin by asking critical questions, challenging assumptions, and igniting conversations and insights to optimize value for all stakeholders. Over the years, we have delivered numerous mobile and web projects with the help of our experienced and talented team.</p>
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<h2 style="color:#2cc130;font-weight:600;">What we do?</h2>
<p>We leverage and refine our expertise to proficiently create the best possible product for you. </p>
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<span class="iconbox"><i class="icon-mobile"></i></span>
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<h6>Business Analysis</h6>
<p>We establish a strong foundation for every project to ensure its competitiveness in the market.</p>
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<span class="iconbox"><i class="icon-browser"></i></span>
<div class="features-box-content">
<h6>Mobile Strategy</h6>
<p>Formulating a mobile strategy is essential for defining an implementation roadmap and establishing key milestones.</p>
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<span class="iconbox"><i class="icon-strategy"></i></span>
<div class="features-box-content">
<p>Prototyping enables customers to assess the feasibility of their idea or startup, thereby saving a significant amount of time and budget</p>
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<span class="iconbox"><i class="icon-hotairballoon "></i></span>
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<h6>UX/UI Design</h6>
<p>Our ability to detect and resolve any significant misunderstandings between customers and developers.</p>
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<span class="iconbox"><i class="icon-lightbulb"></i></span>
<div class="features-box-content">
<h6>Native App Development</h6>
<p>It enhances the performance of the application, making it faster and more efficient.</p>
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<h6>Web Development</h6>
<p>It helps to shorten cycles of deploying of the product and reaches a significant amount of users on many different devices.</p>
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<p>We ensure that the app or web application's necessary set of features is functioning as intended.</p>
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<span class="iconbox"><i class="icon-video"></i></span>
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<p>We guarantee that the app's presentation on the Store is of high quality, enabling users to download it with confidence.</p>
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<span class="iconbox"><i class="icon-camera"></i></span>
<div class="features-box-content">
<h6>Continuous Support</h6>
<p>We provide ongoing support for app development to our clients.</p>
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<span class="iconbox"><i class="fa fa-life-ring"></i></span>
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<h6>Cloud Engineering</h6>
<p>By ensuring optimal cloud usage, we minimize delays, expenses, and efforts.</p>
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<h3 style="color:#2cc130;font-weight:600;">Development Process and Team Structure</h3>
<p>After assessing the project requirements, our team focuses on building the appropriate project architecture, followed by mobile app and web plugin development, as well as the project's backend.</p>
<p>To execute the project, we followed a traditional outsourcing model, assembling a team of 10 individuals that included two iOS and two Android mobile developers, two Quality Assurance engineers, a backend developer, an HTML developer, a designer, and a Project Manager. The Project Manager was responsible for overseeing all communication, cooperation, and planning processes.</p>
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<h6 class="progress-title">Android</h6>
<h6 class="progress-value">95%</h6>
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<h6 class="progress-title">IOS</h6>
<h6 class="progress-value">95%</h6>
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<h6 class="progress-title">PHP</h6>
<h6 class="progress-value">95%</h6>
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<h6 class="progress-title">jquery</h6>
<h6 class="progress-value">88%</h6>
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<h6 class="progress-title">Angular JS</h6>
<h6 class="progress-value">96%</h6>
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<h6 class="progress-title">Figma, Adobe XD, Adobe Photoshop</h6>
<h6 class="progress-value">85%</h6>
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<h3 class="banner-heading">Looking for exclusive digital services?</h3>
<div class="banner-decription">
Eminent Mobile Solutions is a premier mobile app development company in India, having collaborated with over 100+ businesses - be it startups or enterprises - to deliver the best-in-class solutions in the industry. We offer a wide range of app development services at Eminent Mobile Solutions, tailored to meet specific business requirements.
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<h2 style="color:#2cc130;font-weight:600;">Minimalistic. Intuitive. <span>Dynamic.</span></h2>
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<p>Our diverse range of services has helped establish us as one of the top app development companies, renowned for our quality and commitment to delivering exceptional results.</p>
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<p>Throughout the discovery, design, and development phases, our technical team is committed to providing continuous suggestions and making necessary edits to ensure that the end product is the best possible version.</p>
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<div class="app-feature-icon pull-left"><span class="pe-7s-config"></span></div>
<div class="feature-app-box-content">
<h6>Client Centric Developing</h6>
<p>At our company, we specialize in crafting tailored solutions that are optimized for growth, leveraging web, mobile, and blockchain technologies to meet our clients' unique needs.</p>
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<div class="app-feature-icon pull-left"><span class="pe-7s-refresh-2"></span></div>
<div class="feature-app-box-content">
<h6>Agile Development</h6>
<p>Our adoption of the Agile Development process enables us to deliver projects with the utmost quality, resulting in reliable and scalable products for our clients' businesses.</p>
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<div class="feature-app-box-content">
<h6>Data Protection</h6>
<p>Our company ensures the utmost safety of all your private data by signing an NDA, and we strive to deliver the best-rated products while maintaining strict confidentiality.</p>
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<div class="feature-app-box-content">
<h6>Data Backups</h6>
<p>Backups are essential, and we take great care to maintain our clients' project backups to ensure that any potential misfortunes can be dealt with in the best possible manner.</p>
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<h6>Quality Deliverance</h6>
<p>Our commitment to delivering quality products is matched by our dedication to meeting our clients' project specifications at industry-competitive prices.</p>
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