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"WebNames DNS": "Canadian based DNS registrar and hosting solution provider.",
"Cogeco Peer 1": "Managed hosting, cloud hosting and datacenters since 1999.",
"Canadian Server Location": "The web server is located in Canada.",
"Content Delivery Network": "This page contains links that give the impression that some of the site contents are stored on a content delivery network."
"whois.cira.ca": {
"Domain Status": [
"clientTransferProhibited https://icann.org/epp#clientTransferProhibited"
"Name Server": [
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"Registry Domain ID": "D141418-CIRA",
"Registrar WHOIS Server": "whois.ca.fury.ca",
"Registrar URL": "www.webnames.ca",
"Updated Date": "2025-02-06T16:02:37Z",
"Created Date": "2000-10-12T21:31:35Z",
"Expiry Date": "2026-03-06T05:00:00Z",
"Registrar": "Webnames.ca Inc.",
"Registrar IANA ID": "456",
"Registrar Abuse Contact Email": "[email protected]",
"Registrar Abuse Contact Phone": "+1.8662217878",
"Registry Registrant ID": "13641890-CIRA",
"Registrant Name": "IT Procurement",
"Registrant Organization": "Farm Credit Canada",
"Registrant Street": "1800 Hamilton Street",
"Registrant City": "Regina",
"Registrant State/Province": "SK",
"Registrant Postal Code": "S4P4L3",
"Registrant Country": "CA",
"Registrant Phone": "+1.3067754592",
"Registrant Phone Ext": "",
"Registrant Fax": "",
"Registrant Fax Ext": "",
"Registrant Email": "[email protected]",
"Registry Admin ID": "13641891-CIRA",
"Admin Name": "IT Procurement",
"Admin Organization": "Farm Credit Canada",
"Admin Street": "1800 Hamilton Street",
"Admin City": "Regina",
"Admin State/Province": "SK",
"Admin Postal Code": "S4P4L3",
"Admin Country": "CA",
"Admin Phone": "+1.3067754592",
"Admin Phone Ext": "",
"Admin Fax": "",
"Admin Fax Ext": "",
"Admin Email": "[email protected]",
"Registry Tech ID": "13641892-CIRA",
"Tech Name": "Application Support",
"Tech Organization": "Farm Credit Canada",
"Tech Street": "1800 Hamilton Street",
"Tech City": "Regina",
"Tech State/Province": "SK",
"Tech Postal Code": "S4P4L3",
"Tech Country": "CA",
"Tech Phone": "+1.3067805235",
"Tech Phone Ext": "",
"Tech Fax": "",
"Tech Fax Ext": "",
"Tech Email": "[email protected]",
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"Billing Fax Ext": "",
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"DNSSEC": "unsigned",
"URL of the ICANN Whois Inaccuracy Complaint Form": "https://www.icann.org/wicf/",
">>> Last update of WHOIS database": "2025-02-08T02:25:39Z <<<",
"text": [
"For more information on Whois status codes, please visit https://icann.org/epp",
"% Use of CIRA's WHOIS service is governed by the Terms of Use in its Legal",
"% Notice, available at http://www.cira.ca/legal-notice/?lang=en",
"% (c) 2025 Canadian Internet Registration Authority, (http://www.cira.ca/)"
"whois.ca.fury.ca": {
"Domain Status": [
"clientTransferProhibited https://icann.org/epp#clientTransferProhibited"
"Name Server": [
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"Registry Domain ID": "D141418-CIRA",
"Registrar WHOIS Server": "whois.ca.fury.ca",
"Registrar URL": "www.webnames.ca",
"Updated Date": "2025-02-06T16:02:37Z",
"Created Date": "2000-10-12T21:31:35Z",
"Expiry Date": "2026-03-06T05:00:00Z",
"Registrar": "Webnames.ca Inc.",
"Registrar IANA ID": "456",
"Registrar Abuse Contact Email": "[email protected]",
"Registrar Abuse Contact Phone": "+1.8662217878",
"Registry Registrant ID": "13641890-CIRA",
"Registrant Name": "IT Procurement",
"Registrant Organization": "Farm Credit Canada",
"Registrant Street": "1800 Hamilton Street",
"Registrant City": "Regina",
"Registrant State/Province": "SK",
"Registrant Postal Code": "S4P4L3",
"Registrant Country": "CA",
"Registrant Phone": "+1.3067754592",
"Registrant Phone Ext": "",
"Registrant Fax": "",
"Registrant Fax Ext": "",
"Registrant Email": "[email protected]",
"Registry Admin ID": "13641891-CIRA",
"Admin Name": "IT Procurement",
"Admin Organization": "Farm Credit Canada",
"Admin Street": "1800 Hamilton Street",
"Admin City": "Regina",
"Admin State/Province": "SK",
"Admin Postal Code": "S4P4L3",
"Admin Country": "CA",
"Admin Phone": "+1.3067754592",
"Admin Phone Ext": "",
"Admin Fax": "",
"Admin Fax Ext": "",
"Admin Email": "[email protected]",
"Registry Tech ID": "13641892-CIRA",
"Tech Name": "Application Support",
"Tech Organization": "Farm Credit Canada",
"Tech Street": "1800 Hamilton Street",
"Tech City": "Regina",
"Tech State/Province": "SK",
"Tech Postal Code": "S4P4L3",
"Tech Country": "CA",
"Tech Phone": "+1.3067805235",
"Tech Phone Ext": "",
"Tech Fax": "",
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"Tech Email": "[email protected]",
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"Billing Phone": "",
"Billing Phone Ext": "",
"Billing Fax": "",
"Billing Fax Ext": "",
"Billing Email": "",
"DNSSEC": "unsigned",
"URL of the ICANN Whois Inaccuracy Complaint Form": "https://www.icann.org/wicf/",
">>> Last update of WHOIS database": "2025-02-08T02:25:39Z <<<",
"text": [
"For more information on Whois status codes, please visit https://icann.org/epp",
"% Use of CIRA's WHOIS service is governed by the Terms of Use in its Legal",
"% Notice, available at http://www.cira.ca/legal-notice/?lang=en",
"% (c) 2025 Canadian Internet Registration Authority, (http://www.cira.ca/)"