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<span itemprop="description">Non-invasive neurotechnology Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technologies, and online, multiplayer, cooperative, social, role-playing games you can play with your friends (and make new ones) using just your thoughts!</span>
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<h1 class="documentFirstHeading">NeuroRPG</h1>
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<div class="documentDescription description">Non-invasive neurotechnology Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technologies, and online, multiplayer, cooperative, social, role-playing games you can play with your friends (and make new ones) using just your thoughts!</div>
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<div id="parent-fieldname-text" class="pat-autotoc"><h2>NeuroRPG</h2>
<h2><img alt="NeuroRPG Logo, purple background with digital white text in front with Neuro at the top and RPG at the bottom, and colored horizontal wavy lines like a rainbow behind representing brainwaves" class="image-richtext image-left captioned" height="316" src="https://www.neurorpg.com/images/neurorpg-temp-logo-8-sq-1700-extra-space-20240421a-30pct.jpg/@@images/6ac24b39-33d6-401c-afed-d83f5dd5961b.jpeg" title="NeuroRPG Logo" width="316" /></h2>
<p>"We Make The Future of Role-Playing Gaming Here Now!"</p>
<p> --Hawke Robinson, "The Grandfather of Therapeutic Gaming".</p>
<p> <em>Non-invasive</em> Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) controlled online, multiplayer, cooperative, social, role-playing games (RPGs) you can play with your friends (and make new ones), using just your thoughts!</p>
<p>Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, P2P, Blockchain, Federated Communications Networks, and more.</p>
<p>We also create and provide mobile, web, xR, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) apps as tools for role-playing game players, game masters, designers, and role-playing game professionals (RPGP), enhancing the RPG experience for all formats:</p>
<li>tabletop (TRPG)</li>
<li>live-action (LRPG and larp)</li>
<li>electronic (ERPG)</li>
<li>and hybrid (HRPG).</li>
<p>One of NeuroRPG LLC's (www.neurorpg.com) many offerings:</p>
<li>NeuroRPG: "Shaping the Future of Gaming and Accessibility with the Power of Thought!"</li>
<p>See our Linkedin Page: <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/company/neurorpg/" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="NeuroRPG on Linkedin">https://www.linkedin.com/company/neurorpg/</a></p>
<p>Follow us on Twitter/X: <a href="https://twitter.com/neuro_rpg" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Follow Neuro RPG LLC on Twitter/X">https://twitter.com/neuro_rpg</a></p>
<hr />
<h3><br />Enter the world of NeuroRPG, where the realms of imagination are just a thought away.</h3>
<figure><br />
<figcaption>Hawke Robinson on GenCon TV 2018<br /><img alt="Hawke Robinson on GenCon TV 2018" class="image-richtext image-inline captioned" height="" src="https://www.neurorpg.com/images/hawke-robinson-on-gencontv-tabletakes-20190802a.png/@@images/fb2fc3d8-b38f-4ee5-a863-d21a186fb9ed.png" style="float: left;" title="Hawke Robinson on GenCon TV 2018" width="" /></figcaption>
Led by <a href="https://hawkerobinson.com" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Link going to Hawke Robinson's website: Hawke Robinson is known as "The Grandfather of Therapeutic Gaming"">Hawke Robinson, "The Grandfather of Therapeutic Gaming"</a>, we're pioneering a new era in accessible, cooperative, social, role-playing games that increase bio-psycho-socio-emotional functioning and quality of life, while having fun!</figure>
<p>A new technology-focused company as a spin-off from RPG Therapeutics LLC, by RPG Research and RPG Therapeutics LLC's founder, Hawke Robinson "The Grandather of Therapeutic Gaming.</p>
<p>Led by Hawke Robinson, "The Grandfather of Therapeutic Gaming", featured in Hasbro's Wizards of the Coast Dragon Talk Show and book Welcome to Dragon Talk, creator of the RPG Mobile fleet of accessible facilities, founder of the global non-profit research and human services charitable organization RPG Research, founder of the for-profit RPG Therapeutics LLC, and creator of the open source Brain Computer Interface Role-Playing Game (BCI RPG) project, we're pioneering a new era in role-playing games. Our innovative platform merges the advanced technology of Brain-Computer Interfaces with the captivating universe of role-playing games (RPGs).</p>
<p>Our innovative platform merges the advanced technology of non-invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) and related technologies, with the power of cooperative social role-playing games, enhanced through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and modified realities like Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR).</p>
<p>Picture yourself navigating epic quests and connecting with friends and family across the globe, all controlled by the power of your mind.</p>
<p>But our vision extends beyond just gameplay. We're also at the forefront of developing AI tools for other RPG enthusiasts, game masters, role-playing game professional service providers, and designers, enhancing the gaming experience in unprecedented ways.</p>
<p>At NeuroRPG, we're not just playing games; we're breaking barriers and building communities. Here, your thoughts don't just create stories; they forge realities.</p>
<p>Join us in this groundbreaking journey, where Hawke Robinson's vision brings the future of role-playing into the present.</p>
<p>With NeuroRPG, your mind is the ultimate gaming console.</p>
<p>NeuroRPG: "Shaping the Future of Gaming and Accessibility with the Power of Thought"</p>
<p>Enter the world of NeuroRPG, where the realms of imagination are just a thought away.</p>
<p>Picture yourself navigating epic quests and connecting with friends across the globe, all controlled by the power of your mind. But our vision extends beyond game play. We're also at the forefront of developing AI tools for RPG enthusiasts, game masters, professional service providers,and designers, enhancing the gaming experience in unprecedented ways.</p>
<p>At NeuroRPG, we're not just playing games; we're breaking barriers, building communities, and literally improving human connections.</p>
<p>Here, your thoughts don't just create stories; they forge real human connections and growth.</p>
<p>Join us in this groundbreaking journey, where Hawke Robinson's vision brings the future of role-playing into the present.</p>
<p>With NeuroRPG, your mind is the ultimate gaming console.</p>
<hr />
<h1><img alt="Headshot of NeuroRPG Creator and Founder, William A Hawkes-Robinson, published as W.A. Hawkes-Robinson, known as Hawke Robinson "The Grandfather of Therapeutic Gaming (c) W.A. Hawkes-Robinson" class="image-richtext image-inline captioned" height="" src="https://www.neurorpg.com/images/beardedlaughingondeck.jpg/@@images/eae4a340-ff39-4fee-80e7-962876b58c40.jpeg" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; float: left;" title="NeuroRPG Creator and Founder, William A Hawkes-Robinson, published as W.A. Hawkes-Robinson, known as Hawke Robinson "The Grandfather of Therapeutic Gaming" width="" /></h1>
<h1>How NeuroRPG Evolved</h1>
<h2>The Early Years - A Spark Ignites</h2>
<p>In the late 1970s, a young Hawke Robinson discovered a world that would shape the course of his life. Introduced to role-playing games by an older cousin in 1977, Robinson was immediately captivated. These weren't just games; they were gateways to new worlds, fostering creativity and community. By 1979, he was not only an avid player but also a community organizer, hosting gaming sessions in libraries, game stores, and clubhouses. These early experiences sowed the seeds for his future endeavors, blending his love for RPGs with a burgeoning interest in technology and community engagement.</p>
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<h2>The Tech Whiz - Merging Gaming with Technology</h2>
<p>As the 1980s dawned, Robinson's passion for RPGs dovetailed with a growing talent in technology. At just 9 years old, he had begun programming, a skill that would become a cornerstone of his later innovations. By 1982, Robinson was already making strides in the tech world with his first paid programming gig. His dual interests in technology and gaming converged in 1983 when he wrote an insightful paper on the effects and uses of RPGs, hinting at his future path as a pioneer in therapeutic gaming.</p>
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<h2>The Visionary Educator - RPGs in the Classroom</h2>
<figure><img alt="Hawke Robinson, Grandfather of Therapeutic Gaming, Presenting at Seattle Children's Hospital WSTRA 2015" class="image-richtext image-left" height="" src="https://www.neurorpg.com/wstra-con-16-presentation-20150411a-cropped-30pct.jpg/@@images/e6f96020-68b8-4718-84f4-29c21afb095c.jpeg" title="Hawke Robinson, Grandfather of Therapeutic Gaming, Presenting at Seattle Children's Hospital WSTRA 2015" width="" />
<figcaption>Hawke Robinson, Grandfather of Therapeutic Gaming, Presenting at Seattle Children's Hospital WSTRA 2015</figcaption>
<p>Robinson's journey took a significant turn in 1985 at Realms of Inquiry, a school for gifted and talented children. Here, he began using RPGs as an educational tool, harnessing their potential to enhance learning and social skills. This innovative approach was more than a teaching method; it was a testament to Robinson's belief in the power of RPGs to transform and enrich lives.</p>
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<h2>A Catalyst for Change - RPGs in the Jail System</h2>
<figure><img alt="Documentary filem on RPG in prison: "Let's Play: Dungeons & Dragons Behind Bars"" class="image-richtext image-left" src="https://www.neurorpg.com/808baa00-a78a-4fba-95e1-dde063f9556b.png/@@images/98d52d98-cfff-468f-a487-0c5f05f46cc8.png" title="Documentary filem on RPG in prison: "Let's Play: Dungeons & Dragons Behind Bars"" />
<figcaption>Documentary film on RPG in prison: "Let's Play: Dungeons & Dragons Behind Bars"</figcaption>
<p>In 1989, Robinson embarked on a groundbreaking initiative, introducing RPGs to incarcerated individuals. In the unlikely setting of a jail, he used gaming to bridge divides, bringing rival gang members together in cooperative play. This initiative was a profound demonstration of RPGs' potential for fostering understanding and positive social interactions in even the most challenging environments. In 2019 he was a consultant and supporter of the documentary film spanning 10+ years regarding prisoner and role-playing games, ""<a href="https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kleercreative/lets-play-dungeons-and-dragons-behind-bars" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Documentary Kickstarter for Let's Play: Dungeons & Dragons Behind Bars.">Let's Play: Dungeons & Dragons Behind Bars</a>".</p>
<hr />
<p><img alt="Diagram of people in Locked In State and Complete Locked in Syndrome, and equipment from the NeuroRPG projects. (c) W.A. Hawkes-Robinson" class="image-richtext image-left captioned" height="" src="https://www.neurorpg.com/images/neurorpg-com-lis-clis-combined-638w1000h-20230503a.png/@@images/cffca171-4bdc-4c2d-97f6-2573562a163a.png" title="LIS/CLIS and NeuroRPG" width="" /></p>
<hr />
<h2>The Healthcare Connection - Insights from Nursing</h2>
<p>The 1990s brought a new dimension to Robinson's work. As a nurse at Doxie Hatch Medical Center, he gained firsthand insights into the challenges faced by individuals with severe physical limitations. These experiences were pivotal, deepening his resolve to make gaming accessible and therapeutic.</p>
<h2>Technological Breakthroughs - The BCI Revolution</h2>
<p>Robinson's encounter with a neuromuscular signal-based controller at PC Easy in the mid-90s marked a significant technological turning point. This device inspired him to delve into Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology, leading to his experiments in making gaming more inclusive. His coding expertise, honed since childhood, was instrumental in enhancing these early technologies.</p>
<h2>Democratizing Technology - The OpenEEG Milestone</h2>
<p>The early 2000s were a time of significant advancement. The availability of OpenEEG opened new doors, making EEG technology more accessible. Robinson's pioneering work during this period, including adapting popular games like Neverwinter Nights for play through brainwave signals, was a major step in making gaming inclusive for those with physical limitations.</p>
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<p><img alt="Photo of NeuroRPG Player with VR/AR Headset (c) W.A. Hawkes-Robinson " class="image-richtext image-left captioned" height="" src="https://www.neurorpg.com/images/dsc_0235-cropped-vr-headset-david-1-20190728a-1080x625x150.jpg/@@images/6f03ee09-f09f-441e-875d-5b39db373b2f.jpeg" title="NeuroRPG Player with VR/AR Headset (c) W.A. Hawkes-Robinson " width="" /></p>
<h2>NeuroRPG - A Dream Realized</h2>
<p>Today, NeuroRPG stands as a beacon of innovation and inclusivity in the gaming world. It's a platform where all RPG formats are accessible, enhanced by the latest in BCI and AI technologies. But more importantly, it's a community where barriers are broken, and connections are forged. Robinson's vision has culminated in a space where gaming is not just entertainment but a powerful tool for therapy, learning, and social connection.</p>
<hr />
<h2>The Legacy Continues - Looking to the Future</h2>
<figure><img alt="Hawkes-Robinson's NeuroRPG headset 2023-2024(c) (R) W.A. Hawkes-Robinson" class="image-richtext image-left" src="https://www.neurorpg.com/images/hawkes-robinson-neurorpg-headset-and-glasses-bci-mr-all-drawings-2023-4copyright-restrictied-400w.gif/@@images/ecec8ba6-e865-44e4-8eac-aa5a64e528e5.png" title="Hawkes-Robinson's NeuroRPG headset 2023-2024(c) (R) W.A. Hawkes-Robinson" />
<figcaption>Hawkes-Robinson's NeuroRPG headset 2023-2024(c) (R) W.A. Hawkes-Robinson</figcaption>
<p>Hawkes-Robinson's designs for more comfortable and accessible BCI, xR, AI hardware.</p>
<p>As NeuroRPG continues to grow, Robinson's legacy is evident in every aspect of the platform. From web and mobile apps designed for gamers and game masters to tools that aid in rehabilitation and social engagement, his vision of a more inclusive and empathetic world through gaming is becoming a reality.</p>
<p>We see more than the evolution of a gaming platform. We witness a journey of passion, innovation, and empathy, a reminder of how one person's vision can ignite change and touch countless lives. In the universe of NeuroRPG, every game is a journey, every player a hero, and every story a step towards a more understanding and empathetic world.</p>
<p>William Hawkes-Robinson, published as W.A. Hawkes-Robinson, but known to the world as Hawke Robinson "The Grandfather of Therapeutic Gaming", is the founder of the 501(c)3 non-profit RPG Research (www.rpgresearch.com), the for-profit RPG Therapeutics LLC (www.rpgtherapeutics.com) and RPG.LLC (www.rpg.llc), as well as the founder and CEO of NeuroRPG (www.neurorpg.com).</p>
<p>Below is a video from one of his presentations as a Recreational Therapist on using role-playing games to help people recover from brain injuries through the power of neuroplasticity activated by the broad range of benefits from engagement in different RPG formats (tabletop, live-action, electronic, and hybrids).</p>
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<p><iframe height="297" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/BwD4fAZx_2w" title="RPG Research Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment using Role-playing Gaming" width="397"></iframe></p>
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<img src="https://www.neurorpg.com/news/status-update-on-bci-rpg-neurorpg/@@images/b42fd6f7-5fd1-47f7-9001-45e0d1a690c2.png" alt="Status Update on BCI-RPG / NeuroRPG" title="Status Update on BCI-RPG / NeuroRPG" height="32" width="20" class="pull-right thumb-icon" />
Status Update on BCI-RPG / NeuroRPG
<time class="portletItemDetails">May 08, 2024</time>
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<a href="https://www.neurorpg.com/news/neurorpg-bcirpg-status-update" class="tile" title="Our Brain-Computer Interface Role-Playing Game designed for maximum accessibility with the goal to be usable by the LIS/CLIS population, and everyone else.">
<img src="https://www.neurorpg.com/news/neurorpg-bcirpg-status-update/@@images/8ea3e78a-5bda-4d32-b0bf-a31200695049.png" alt="NeuroRPG and BCI-RPG: Brain-Computer Interface Controlled Role-Playing Game Status Update" title="NeuroRPG and BCI-RPG: Brain-Computer Interface Controlled Role-Playing Game Status Update" height="32" width="20" class="pull-right thumb-icon" />
NeuroRPG and BCI-RPG: Brain-Computer Interface Controlled Role-Playing Game Status Update
<time class="portletItemDetails">May 07, 2024</time>
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<a href="https://www.neurorpg.com/news/bci-rpg-and-neurorpg" class="tile" title="NeuroRPG is created by "The Grandfather of Therapeutic Gaming" Hawke Robinson (published as W.A. Hawkes-Robinson). The open source version is the BCI RPG, by the same creator through his non-profit 501(c)3 organization RPG Research, while the NeuroRPG version is a more polished implementation meant to further improve accessibility to the benefits of role-playing games for all.">
<img src="https://www.neurorpg.com/news/bci-rpg-and-neurorpg/@@images/ecbf05fd-e614-451f-980f-9c70d7ad81c8.jpeg" alt="BCI RPG and NeuroRPG" title="BCI RPG and NeuroRPG" height="32" width="32" class="pull-right thumb-icon" />
BCI RPG and NeuroRPG
<time class="portletItemDetails">Oct 12, 2021</time>
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