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"RudderStack": "Customer data pipeline system.",
"Facebook Conversion Tracking": "Conversion tracking functionality from Facebook, allows a user to track advertisement clicks.",
"Google Analytics": "Google Analytics offers a host of compelling features and benefits for everyone from senior executives and advertising and marketing professionals to site owners and content developers.",
"Google Universal Analytics": "The analytics.js JavaScript snippet is a new way to measure how users interact with your website. It is similar to the previous Google tracking code, ga.js, but offers more flexibility for developers to customize their implementations.",
"Google Analytics 4": "Google Analytics 4 formerly known as App + Web is a new version of Google Analytics that was released in October 2020.",
"Facebook Pixel": "Facebook Pixel is Facebooks conversion tracking system for ads on Facebook to websites.",
"Global Site Tag": "Google's primary tag for Google Measurement/Conversion Tracking, Adwords and DoubleClick.",
"Facebook Signal": "Journalists use Signal to surface relevant trends, photos, videos and posts from Facebook and Instagram for use in their storytelling and reporting.",
"Kajabi": "Sell Your Content Online",
"Cloudflare Bot Manager": "Stop bad bots by using threat intelligence.",
"Google Font API": "The Google Font API helps you add web fonts to any web page.",
"Disqus": "The webwide discussion community where you carry your conversations with you.",
"Font Awesome": "Iconic font and CSS toolkit.",
"Google Tag Manager": "Tag management that lets you add and update website tags without changes to underlying website code.",
"Pexels": "Free stock photos, royalty free images & videos.",
"Amazon Elastic Load Balancing Sticky Session": "Enables the load balancer to bind a user's session to a specific instance",
"English - Inferred": "Based on the title and description text the website content is potentially English.",
"Ruby on Rails Token": "Ruby on Rails is an open-source web framework that is optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity. Note that Ruby on Rails has two detection techniques and this is one of them.",
"Viewport Meta": "This page uses the viewport meta tag which means the content may be optimized for mobile content.",
"Mobile Non Scaleable Content": "This content is formatted for mobile devices, it does not allow the content to be scaled.",
"IPhone / Mobile Compatible": "The website contains code that allows the page to support IPhone / Mobile Content.",
"CDN JS": "CloudFlare's CDN with popular javascript frameworks available.",
"Cloudflare JS": "Loads content from Cloudflare CDN.",
"BootstrapCDN": "Bootstrap CDN system - encompasses MaxCDN, NetDNA and Stackpath - donated to jsDelivr.",
"Cloudflare": "Automatically optimizes the delivery of your web pages so your visitors get the fastest page load times and best performance.",
"jsDelivr": "A free CDN where Javascript developers can host their files. Encompasses MaxCDN, and BootstrapCDN.",
"American Express": "The website accepts payments with American Express.",
"Wistia": "Wistia is a video marketing, sales, and collaboration application.",
"YouTube": "Embedded videos from YouTube.",
"Whooshkaa": "Audio on demand supplier",
"Facebook for Websites": "Allows a user to make a website more sociable and connected with integrations from the hugely popular Facebook website.",
"core-js": "Modular standard library for JavaScript.",
"Moment JS": "moment.js is a date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates.",
"Facebook SDK": "JavaScript SDK enables you to access all of the features of the Graph API via JavaScript, and it provides a rich set of client-side functionality for authentication and sharing. It differs from Facebook Connect.",
"Slick JS": "Fully responsive carousel library.",
"jQuery": "JQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript.",
"Parsley.js": "Javascript forms validation script.",
"Underscore.js": "Underscore is a utility-belt library for JavaScript that provides functional programming support.",
"HubSpot Tether": "A client-side library to make absolutely positioned elements attach to elements in the page efficiently.",
"Fingerprint2": "Fingerprinting is a technique, outlined in the research by Electronic Frontier Foundation, of anonymously identifying a web browser with accuracy of up to 94% - version2.",
"Intersection Observer": "API that can be used to understand the visibility and position of DOM elements relative to a containing element or to the top-level viewport.",
"Facebook Custom Audiences": "Custom Audiences from your website makes it possible to reach people who visit your website and deliver the right message to them on Facebook.",
"DoubleClick.Net": "DoubleClick enables agencies, marketers and publishers to work together successfully and profit from their digital marketing investments. Owned by Google and now referred to as DoubleClick Digital Marketing or Google Enterprise Advertising.",
"Facebook": "The website mentions facebook.com in some form.",
"LinkedIn": "The website mentions linkedin.com in some form.",
"Twitter": "The website mentions twitter.com in some form.",
"Instagram": "The website mentions Instagram in some form.",
"YouTube Link": "This website mentions YouTube.com on it in some form or another.",
"Google Apps for Business": "Web-based email, calendar, and documents for teams. Renamed to Google Apps for Work, but now known as G Suite from Google Cloud.",
"SSL by Default": "The website redirects traffic to an HTTPS/SSL version by default.",
"Cloudflare DNS": "DNS services provided by Cloudflare.",
"IPv6": "The website has an IPv6 record.",
"Cloudflare CDN": "Content owned by this site hosted on the Cloudflare CDN.",
"Content Delivery Network": "This page contains links that give the impression that some of the site contents are stored on a content delivery network."
"whois.verisign-grs.com": {
"Domain Status": [
"ok https://icann.org/epp#ok"
"Name Server": [
"Registry Domain ID": "2159878156_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN",
"Registrar WHOIS Server": "whois.synergywholesale.com",
"Registrar URL": "http://synergywholesale.com",
"Updated Date": "2024-06-20T14:46:38Z",
"Created Date": "2017-09-05T08:56:11Z",
"Expiry Date": "2025-09-05T08:56:11Z",
"Registrar": "Synergy Wholesale Accreditations Pty Ltd",
"Registrar IANA ID": "1609",
"Registrar Abuse Contact Email": "[email protected]",
"Registrar Abuse Contact Phone": "+61.383999483",
"DNSSEC": "unsigned",
"URL of the ICANN Whois Inaccuracy Complaint Form": "https://www.icann.org/wicf/",
">>> Last update of whois database": "2025-01-31T23:49:59Z <<<",
"text": [
"For more information on Whois status codes, please visit https://icann.org/epp",
"NOTICE: The expiration date displayed in this record is the date the",
"registrar's sponsorship of the domain name registration in the registry is",
"currently set to expire. This date does not necessarily reflect the expiration",
"date of the domain name registrant's agreement with the sponsoring",
"registrar. Users may consult the sponsoring registrar's Whois database to",
"view the registrar's reported date of expiration for this registration.",
"TERMS OF USE: You are not authorized to access or query our Whois",
"database through the use of electronic processes that are high-volume and",
"automated except as reasonably necessary to register domain names or",
"modify existing registrations; the Data in VeriSign Global Registry",
"Services' (\"VeriSign\") Whois database is provided by VeriSign for",
"information purposes only, and to assist persons in obtaining information",
"about or related to a domain name registration record. VeriSign does not",
"guarantee its accuracy. By submitting a Whois query, you agree to abide",
"by the following terms of use: You agree that you may use this Data only",
"for lawful purposes and that under no circumstances will you use this Data",
"to: (1) allow, enable, or otherwise support the transmission of mass",
"unsolicited, commercial advertising or solicitations via e-mail, telephone,",
"or facsimile; or (2) enable high volume, automated, electronic processes",
"that apply to VeriSign (or its computer systems). The compilation,",
"repackaging, dissemination or other use of this Data is expressly",
"prohibited without the prior written consent of VeriSign. You agree not to",
"use electronic processes that are automated and high-volume to access or",
"query the Whois database except as reasonably necessary to register",
"domain names or modify existing registrations. VeriSign reserves the right",
"to restrict your access to the Whois database in its sole discretion to ensure",
"operational stability. VeriSign may restrict or terminate your access to the",
"Whois database for failure to abide by these terms of use. VeriSign",
"reserves the right to modify these terms at any time.",
"The Registry database contains ONLY .COM, .NET, .EDU domains and",
"whois.synergywholesale.com": {
"Domain Status": [
"ok http://www.icann.org/epp#ok"
"Name Server": [
"Domain Name": "thecashflowqueen.com",
"Registry Domain ID": "2159878156_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN",
"Registrar WHOIS Server": "whois.synergywholesale.com",
"Registrar URL": "https://synergywholesale.com/partner-lookup",
"Updated Date": "2024-06-10 04:18:04",
"Created Date": "2017-09-05 08:56:11",
"Expiry Date": "2025-09-05 08:56:11",
"Registrar": "Synergy Wholesale Accreditations Pty Ltd",
"Registrar IANA ID": "1609",
"Registrar Abuse Contact Email": "[email protected]",
"Registrar Abuse Contact Phone": "+61.383999483",
"Registry Registrant ID": "",
"Registrant Name": "Amanda Fisher",
"Registrant Organization": "Amanda Fisher",
"Registrant Street": "36 Chaseling St",
"Registrant City": "Phillip",
"Registrant State/Province": "ACT",
"Registrant Postal Code": "2606",
"Registrant Country": "AU",
"Registrant Phone": "+61.416160286",
"Registrant Fax": "",
"Registrant Email": "[email protected]",
"Registry Admin ID": "",
"Admin Name": "Amanda Fisher",
"Admin Organization": "Amanda Fisher",
"Admin Street": "36 Chaseling St",
"Admin City": "Phillip",
"Admin State/Province": "ACT",
"Admin Postal Code": "2606",
"Admin Country": "AU",
"Admin Phone": "+61.416160286",
"Admin Fax": "",
"Admin Email": "[email protected]",
"Registry Tech ID": "",
"Tech Name": "Amanda Fisher",
"Tech Organization": "Amanda Fisher",
"Tech Street": "36 Chaseling St",
"Tech City": "Phillip",
"Tech State/Province": "ACT",
"Tech Postal Code": "2606",
"Tech Country": "AU",
"Tech Phone": "+61.416160286",
"Tech Fax": "",
"Tech Email": "[email protected]",
"DNSSEC": "unsigned",
"URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System": "http://wdprs.internic.net/",
">>> Last update of WHOIS database": "2025-01-31 23:50:18 <<<",
"text": [
"For more information on Whois status codes, please visit https://icann.org/epp"