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You can practice Listening, Speaking, Vocabulary, Grammar with videos.look up words, translate with OpenAI chatGPT, learn english, app, free, speaking, listening, speak, listen, vocabulary, words, synonym, collocation, idiioms, slangs, pronunciation, conversation, AI, English courses, study plan, real context,similar to language reactor, ejoy, lingQ","SeoTitle":"Trancy - YouTube AI Bilingual Subtitles \u0026 Language Reactor Pro","SeoDesc":"Trancy not only provides bilingual subtitles support for platforms like YouTube, Netflix, Udemy, Disney+, TED, edX, Kehan, Coursera, but also offers AI word/sentence translation and immersive translation for regular web pages. It is a true all-in-one language learning assistant.","NavChangelog":"Changelog","NavExtension":"Extension","NavPricing":"Pricing","NavAbout":"About","NavMannal":"Manual","NavLogin":"Log in","NavLearn":"Learning Center","NavDownload":"Download","NavContact":"Contact","NavPrivacy":"Privacy policy","NavTerms":"Terms of use","HomeHeroTitle2":"Learn a language by watching videos","HomeHeroDesc":"Trancy helps you turn YouTube and Netflix into personalized study materials. You can build your vocabulary and grammar skills, Improve your listening and speaking abilities.","HomeHeroBtn":"Get Started","MutiLangTitle":"Get ready for the world","MutiLangDesc":"Learn to speak up to 10 languages and discover new opportunities in life.","WatchModeTitle":"immersive video watching experience","WatchModeDesc":"A new theater mode helps you purify all distractions on the page and focus more on the content itself.","WatchModeFeatureTitle1":"Bilingual subtitles","WatchModeFeatureDesc1":"Improve the accessibility and comprehension of video and movie content, AI translation helps you better understand the dialogue and enhance your language skills.","WatchModeFeatureTitle2":"Succinctly and Focus","WatchModeFeatureDesc2":"Unlike other extensions, Trancy does not insert new features into the existing interface. We present videos in a cleaner and more focused way in our interface. It can better provide language learning tools for you to use.","WatchModeFeatureTitle3":"Skip next/previous by sentence","WatchModeFeatureDesc3":"Focus on specific sentences or phrases, move quickly through a video without missing important information.","WatchModeFeatureTitle4":"One sentence loop","WatchModeFeatureDesc4":"Practice and improve your pronunciation and listening skills more efficiently.","ReadModeTitle":"Innovative reading patterns","ReadModeDesc":"See all of the subtitles for a video at the same time, better understand the context of the sentences.","ReadModeFeatureTitle1":"Focus on subtitle","ReadModeFeatureDesc1":"The innovative reading pattern feature allows you to see all of the subtitles at the same time and to resize the video window. you can focus your attention on the subtitles and better understand the context of the sentences.","ReadModeFeatureTitle2":"Personalized study materials","ReadModeFeatureDesc2":"Trancy lets you save new words and favorite sentences, build a personal database of learning materials. This database will appear repeatedly in the subtitles of future videos you watch and train with. This can help you review and reinforce the material, and support your language learning goals.","ReadModeFeatureTitle3":"Intelligent sentence segmentation","ReadModeFeatureDesc3":"Divide a continuous stream of text into individual sentences base on NLP.","ReadModeFeatureTitle4":"AI translation","ReadModeFeatureDesc4":"Using AI translation for machine-generated subtitles, understand the content of more accurately.","ReadModeFeatureTitle5":"Part-of-speech (POS) tagging","ReadModeFeatureDesc5":"Use natural language processing (NLP) to identify the grammatical category of a word in a sentence.","ReadModeFeatureTitle6":"Multiple themes","ReadModeFeatureDesc6":"Create a personalized study environment that suits your style and interests.","TrainingModeTitle":"Variety of training methods","TrainingModeDesc":"Help you improve your vocabulary, grammar, listening, and speaking skills in all aspects","TrainingMode_listen":"Listening mode","TrainingMode_speak":"Speaking mode","TrainingMode_select":"Selection mode","TrainingMode_fill":"Filling mode","TrainingMode_dictation":"Dictation mode","TrainingModeFeatureTitle1":"Multiple modes","TrainingModeFeatureDesc1":"Trancy offers a range of language training modes that cater to different levels of difficulty, you can improve your vocabulary, grammar, listening, and speaking skills, and become a more confident and fluent language learner.","TrainingModeFeatureTitle2":"Fine listening mode","TrainingModeFeatureDesc2":"Focus on each sentence, and listen to it carefully, without being distracted by the rest of the audio.","TrainingModeFeatureTitle3":"Speak with confidence","TrainingModeFeatureDesc3":"Express your ideas and thoughts more effectively, and communicate with others more fluently.","TrainingModeFeatureTitle4":"Improve muscle memory","TrainingModeFeatureDesc4":"Practice typing words and sentences from video subtitles, Improving your muscle memory.","TrainingModeFeatureTitle5":"Intelligent prompts","TrainingModeFeatureDesc5":"A range of intelligent prompts tools that can help you complete various types of training.","DashboardTitle":"Creating your own learning decks","DashboardDesc":"A great way to personalize your language learning experience, and tailor it to your specific needs and goals.","DashboardFeatureTitle1":"Watch it later","DashboardFeatureDesc1":"Organize your favorite videos in one place for easy review and revision, share it with your friends, and learn languages together.","DashboardFeatureTitle2":"Real-life sentence","DashboardFeatureDesc2":"Save your favorite sentences to your library, Review and apply them to real-life language communication.","DashboardFeatureTitle3":"Study what you want","DashboardFeatureDesc3":"Customize your learning experience and focus on the topics and languages that matter to you. ","DashboardFeatureTitle4":"Anytime and anywhere","DashboardFeatureDesc4":"With the web-based learning center, you can learn languages anytime and anywhere according to your preferences and needs.","DashboardBtn":"Go to learning center","MoreFeatureTitle":"More features","MoreFeatureDesc":"We will continue to develop and improve more advanced and comprehensive language learning tools.","MoreFeatureFeatureTitle1":"Speed playback","MoreFeatureFeatureDesc1":"Adjust the playback speed of the video to help better understand and practice the language.","MoreFeatureFeatureTitle2":"Word highlight","MoreFeatureFeatureDesc2":"Look up and save new words from the subtitles and highlight them for future reference.","MoreFeatureFeatureTitle3":"Fonts adjustment","MoreFeatureFeatureDesc3":"Customize the size and style of the subtitles, to make them more readable and accessible.","MoreFeatureFeatureTitle4":"Lifelike Text to Speech","MoreFeatureFeatureDesc4":"Improve pronunciation and speaking skills by natural sounding text to speech voices.","MoreFeatureFeatureTitle5":"External dictionary","MoreFeatureFeatureDesc5":"Access external web dictionaries, more detailed and professional look up words and phrases.","MoreFeatureFeatureTitle6":"Shortcut ready","MoreFeatureFeatureDesc6":"Fly through your leaning tools with keyboard shortcuts for everything. Literally everything.","MoreFeatureFeatureTitle7":"OpenAI Syntactic analysis","MoreFeatureFeatureDesc7":"The use of AI and natural language processing technology provide with detailed syntactic analysis.","MoreFeatureFeatureTitle8":"Speech recognition","MoreFeatureFeatureDesc8":"Use speech recognition to improve your listening skills and pronunciation.","DownloadBannerTitle":"Ready for browsers","DownloadBannerDesc":"The extension is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use, making it a valuable tool for language learner","DownloadChrome":"Download for Chrome","DownloadFirefox":"Download for Firefox","DownloadEdge":"Download for Edge","BottomBannerTitle":"Ready for get started","BottomBannerDesc":"Try out Trancy today and experience its unique features for yourself","BottomBannerBtn":"Sign up for free","AboutUsTitle":"About","AboutUsOverview1":"Learning a language doesn't have to be about rote memorization. Instead, there are many effective and enjoyable ways to learn a new language, such as through immersion, conversational practice, and engaging with authentic materials like movies, music, and books. By focusing on developing a deep understanding of the language and its structure, as well as building your vocabulary and grammar skills, you can learn a language in a more meaningful and sustainable way.","AboutUsOverview2":"Our goal is to make learning language not boring anymore, We are trying to open up a new world of language learning for you.","AboutUsH1":"Solutions","AboutUsDesc1":"We build Trancy that lets you turn YouTube and Netflix into personalized study materials. We offer a range of features to help improve your vocabulary, pronunciation, and listening skills. Some of the features of Trancy include bilingual subtitles, an immersive video-watching experience, innovative reading patterns, and AI-powered translation. Trancy also offers various training modes, including listening and speaking exercises. as well as tools to allow you to create your learning decks and save them for future reference. By creating your learning decks, you can customize your language learning experience, and make it more effective and fun.","AboutUsH2":"Feature","AboutUsDesc2":"Currently, Trancy only has an extension and a web-based learning center. We will focus on mobile development in the future to truly allow users to learn anytime and anywhere in a comprehensive way. In addition, we will support more streaming websites and music websites, and try to convert popular podcast content into language-learning materials.","PricingTitle":"Pricing","PricingDesc":"We offer a free plan for all users, and a premium plan for those who want to unlock more features.","PricingFree":"Free","PricingPremium":"Premium","PricingFreeDesc":"Free for everyone","PricingFreeFeatureTitle":"All core Features","PricingFreeFeature1":"Bilingual subtitles for Youtube and Netflix","PricingFreeFeature2":"Unlimited word/sentence translation","PricingFreeFeature3":"Unlimited full text translation","PricingFreeFeature4":"Video subtitle export","PricingFreeFeature5":"Intelligent sentence splitting","PricingPremiumFeatureTitle":"Everything in core, plus","PricingPremiumFeature1":"Unlimited Word Collection","PricingPremiumFeature2":"Unlimited Sentence Collection","PricingPremiumFeature3":"Unlimited Sentence Training","PricingPremiumFeature4":"AI Talk Oral Practice","PricingPremiumFeature5":"OpenAI Syntax Analysis/Word Explanation","PricingFreeBtn":"Get stared for free","PricingPremiumBtn":"Upgrade Now","PricingPlanTitle":"Trancy Plan","PricingCoreFeatureTitle":"Core features","PricingCoreFeature1":"Bilingual subtitles for Youtube and Netflix","PricingCoreFeature2":"Words lookups","PricingCoreFeature3":"External dictionary","PricingCoreFeature4":"Video collection","PricingCoreFeature5":"Words collection","PricingCoreFeature6":"Sentence collection","PricingCoreFeature7":"Multiple themes","PricingCoreFeature8":"Bilingual subtitles for podcast","PricingCoreFeature9":"Lifelike text to speech","PricingCoreFeature10":"OpenAI word definition","PricingReadingFeatureTitle":"Reading features","PricingReadingFeature1":"Export subtitle","PricingReadingFeature2":"Advanced AI translation","PricingReadingFeature3":"Part-of-speech (POS) tagging","PricingReadingFeature4":"Intelligent sentence segmentation","PricingReadingFeature5":"Open AI video summarize","PricingTrainingFeatureTitle":"Training features","PricingTrainingFeature1":"Multiple training methods","PricingTrainingFeature2":"Intelligent prompts","PricingTrainingFeature3":"Training limitation","PricingTrainingFeature4":"Speech recognition","PricingTrainingFeature5":"OpenAI/ChatGPT Syntactic analysis","PricingTrainingFeature6":"3 minute / Each video","PricingUnlimited":"Unlimited","MutipleThemes":"Basic themes","PricingPremiumthemes":"Premium themes","ContactUsDesc":"Have any questions? we are glade to hear you.","ContactUsBtn":"Contact us","ErrorTitle404":"Page not Found","ErrorDesc404":"The page you are looking for does not exist.","ErrorTitle500":"500 Error","ErrorDesc500":"Server-side error occurred.","ErrorTitlePayment":"Payment Error","ErrorDescPayment":"Something went wrong when trying to process the request.","ErrorPaymentBtn":"Go to pricing page","PricingUnit":"30days","product30days":"30 Days","product30daysDiscount":"Limited time 62% off discount","product30daysDesc":"🐧 Early bird price","product365days":"365 Days","product365daysDesc":"🐧 Early bird price","product365daysDiscount":"Limited time 33% Off","checkoutToast":"Payment is being processed, please wait patiently","aiTalkHeroTitle":"Your AI Spoken language teacher","aiTalkHeroDesc":"AITalk is an oral English practice app based on ChatGPT. The biggest feature is that it can customize a real oral dialogue scene, get rid of fixed oral dialogue content, say goodbye to nervousness and embarrassment, and persist in confident speaking for 30 days.","aiTalkHeroBtn":"Start Free Trial Now","aiTalkFeatureTitle":"Highlight Features","aiTalkFeatureDesc":"AITalk is not just a simple oral English practice, we have integrated many highlight features on this basis.","aiTalkFeature1":"Speech Assessment","aiTalkFeature1Desc":"Integrating Microsoft's speech assessment service, multi-dimensional assessment of oral English ability","aiTalkFeature2":"Realistic AI Voice","aiTalkFeature2Desc":"ChatGPT cooperates with Microsoft's voice pronunciation, making the effect more natural and realistic","aiTalkFeature3":"Multiple Training Modes","aiTalkFeature3Desc":"Support two modes: follow-up and free dialogue, to meet the needs of users with different abilities","aiTalkFeature4":"ChatGPT Smart Tips","aiTalkFeature4Desc":"For questions that cannot be answered, ChatGPT can provide smart tips with one click","aiTalkFeature5":"Original Sentence Translation Support","aiTalkFeature5Desc":"All dialogues support original text translation to help better understand the dialogue content","aiTalkFeature6":"Real Oral English Scenes","aiTalkFeature6Desc":"Get rid of fixed practice methods, multiple classifications, diversified scenes to meet daily language needs","aiTalkFeature7":"Customized Dialogue Scenes","aiTalkFeature7Desc":"Create real customized dialogue scenes, learn and use actively, with unlimited possibilities","aiTalkFeature8":"Authentic Expressions","aiTalkFeature8Desc":"Use ChatGPT to analyze the answered sentences in a targeted manner and provide more authentic expressions","aiTalkSeoTitle":"AITalk | ChatGPT AI Spoken language teacher","step_1_title":"Pin Trancy Icon","step_1_desc":"Pin the Trancy icon to the browser for faster and more convenient access","step_2_title":"Set Learning Language","step_2_desc":"Click the Trancy icon in the extension to set your native language and target language","step_3_title":"Login/Register","step_3_desc":"Trancy 2.0 requires users to log in to their Trancy account to access the full functionality of the extension","active_guide_traslate":"Click the Trancy icon on a regular webpage,","active_guide_traslate_key":"Activate translation settings","active_guide_video":"Click the Trancy icon on a Netflix/YouTube video page,","active_guide_video_key":"Activate movie-watching mode","guide_feature_translate":"Word/Sentence translation","guide_feature_translate_desc":"Trancy adds word and sentence translation features for regular web pages, helping you quickly understand foreign language websites and explore new knowledge areas. On top of this, Trancy also supports word collection, word highlighting, example sentence collection, AI analysis of example sentences, NLP part-of-speech display, and more, enabling you to gradually improve your language skills while understanding articles.","guide_feature_immersion_translation":"Immersion translation","guide_feature_immersion_translation_desc":"Trancy 2.0 also introduces the full-text immersion translation feature. You can choose between setting up context-aware translations or directly replacing the original text with the translation. Immersion translation supports multiple activation methods, and bilingual contrast translations offer various style customizations to meet your personal needs.","guide_feature_video":"Video bilingual subtitles","guide_feature_video_desc":"On YouTube, Netflix, Udemy, Coursera video viewing pages, click the Trancy icon to activate movie-watching mode. Trancy not only supports bilingual subtitles but also innovatively develops various reading and practice modes, allowing you to improve your speaking and listening skills from multiple angles while watching your favorite videos.","guide_btn":"View Tutorial","guide_video_btn":"Video Tutorial","signup_gift":"Sign up now and get 3 days of free membership","user_guide_title":"Trancy video tutorial","user_guide_tab_1":"Word Translation","user_guide_tab_2":"Immersion Translation","user_guide_tab_3":"Bilingual Subtitles","user_guide_active_lable":"Activation method:","user_guide_active_desc1":"Mouse double-click, triple-click / Select words, paragraphs","user_guide_active_desc2":"Right-click / Shortcut keys Option or Alt+E / Hover over paragraph+Shift","user_guide_active_desc3":"On YouTube/Netflix video playback page, click the extension icon","user_guide_active_setting":"View more settings","user_guide_active_content_lable":"Example Text","user_guide_meta_title":"Beginner's Tutorial","user_guide_active_content_1":"Well, first of all, I think if somebody is doing something that is useful to the rest of society, I think that's a good thing. Like, it doesn't have to change the world. If you make something that has high value to people... And frankly, even if it's something, if it's like just a little game or some improvement in photo sharing or something, if it has a small amount of good for a large number of people, I think that's fine.","user_guide_active_content_2":"Stuff doesn't need to change the world just to be good. But in terms of things that I think are most like to affect the future of humanity, I think AI is probably the single biggest item in the near-term that's likely to affect humanity.","user_guide_active_content_3":"So, it's very important that we have the advent of AI in a good way. If you could look into the crystal ball and to the future, you would like that outcome because it is something that could go wrong, as we've talked about many times. And so, we really need to make sure it goes right.","user_guide_active_content_4":"Right now, the most pressing item. Then, I would say anything to do with genetics. If you can actually solve genetic diseases, if you can prevent dementia or Alzheimer's or something like that with genetic reprograming, that would be wonderful. So I think genetics might be the sort of second most important item.","faq_title":"FAQs","faq_desc":"Answers to frequently asked questions. For any other inquiries, please email us at [email protected]","faq_1_title":"How does Trancy handle my data?","faq_1_desc":"We take privacy very seriously and do not collect any sensitive information. Your personal browsing history, saved words and sentences will not be recorded or used to train models.","faq_2_title":"What are the main differences between free and paid memberships?","faq_2_desc":"Trancy's free features are enough to satisfy the needs of most users, but we also offer additional advanced features such as multiple themes, AI dictionaries and grammar analysis, video subtitles, video exercises, etc.","faq_3_title":"Is there a free trial?","faq_3_desc":"Trancy offers a 3-day free trial so you can experience all the advanced features within 3 days after registration.","faq_4_title":"Why don't you offer a lifetime membership?","faq_4_desc":"Trancy is a startup and we don't want to attract customers with the promotion of lifetime membership just after the product is launched. In addition, Trancy has cooperated with many third-party service providers such as Microsoft, OpenAI and server providers, which require us to pay a considerable amount of money. We hope for your understanding. In the past two months, we have received wide attention and support, which gives us a sense of accomplishment and responsibility at the same time. We promise to maintain and iterate new features to provide you with a stable service.","faq_5_title":"When will the early bird price end?","faq_5_desc":"The core features of Trancy's plugins and learning centers are not yet developed, and the mobile version will start in September. After the entire product ecology is developed, we will have a price increase, but the current price will remain for a long time.","faq_6_title":"Are there any device usage restrictions?","faq_6_desc":"As long as your account is not blocked, you can now use it on any supported browser, including the future mobile product.","faq_7_title":"Is your product funded?","faq_7_desc":"No, we are not currently planning to seek funding. Our goal is to provide something truly helpful in the journey of learning languages, which is more than enough to bring us satisfaction. If you like our product, you can support us by purchasing a membership or sharing it with your friends. If the revenue from Trancy can support us to hire additional developers, we are always open to applications from interested parties. We support and encourage remote working. Contact us at [email protected].","adblock_issue":"If you are using an Adblock, it may cause Trancy to not work properly on YouTube. Please refer to this link: Click to View","price_table_section_title1":"Basic Features","price_table_section_title2":"Video Features","price_table_section_title3":"Learning Center","price_table_feature_1":"Word Lookup","price_table_feature_2":"Sentence Translation","price_table_feature_3":"Word Bookmarking","price_table_feature_4":"Sentence Bookmarking","price_table_feature_6":"Colorful Themes","price_table_feature_7":"Full Text Translation","price_table_feature_8":"External Dictionary","price_table_feature_9":"Microsoft Azure text to speech","price_table_feature_10":"AI Word Explainer","price_table_feature_11":"AI Sentence Decomposition","price_table_feature_12":"AI Part-of-Speech Tagging","price_table_feature_13":"AI Dual Language Subtitles","price_table_feature_14":"Subtitle Exporting","price_table_feature_15":"Smart Sentence Splitting","price_table_feature_16":"AI Grammar Analysis","price_table_feature_17":"Video Exercises","price_table_feature_18":"AI Video Summarization","price_table_feature_19":"Word Training","price_table_feature_20":"Sentence Training","price_table_feature_21":"AI Talk Speaking Training","price_table_feature_22":"AI Tutor Learning Assistant","price_table_feature_23":"AI Podcast","price_table_feature_theme_free":"Default Theme","price_table_feature_theme_premium":"Premium Theme","price_table_feature_unlimited":"Unlimited","new_btn_play":"Play Video","new_home_title":"Immersive AI Language Learning","new_home_desc":"Trancy not only supports bilingual subtitles for YouTube/Netflix but also offers AI-powered translation for selected webpage content and full-text translation, allowing you to seamlessly convert content into personalized language learning materials.","video_title":"Bilingual Subtitles","video_desc":"Accurate bilingual subtitles translation, two viewing modes of theater and reading to help all-around oral and listening practice.","video_feature_1":"YouTube/Netflix Bilingual Subtitles","video_feature_1_desc":"Find videos of your interest on YouTube/Netflix. With the bilingual subtitles feature provided by Trancy, you can quickly understand the video content and practice listening and speaking based on comprehension, achieving two goals at once.","video_feature_2":"Subtitle Reading Mode","video_feature_2_desc1":"Trancy offers an innovative reading mode, where the video is reduced to one side and the subtitles are displayed as text. In this mode, you can focus on the subtitles to better understand the context of the sentences and quickly grasp the summary of the video.","video_feature_2_desc2":"Moreover, with the help of various auxiliary tools and shortcuts, you can adjust the font and size of the subtitles and quickly bookmark words and example sentences.","video_feature_3":"AI Word Lookup","video_feature_3_desc":"Quickly look up unfamiliar words. With the power of OpenAI, you can delve into word definitions.","video_feature_4":"AI Grammar Analysis","video_feature_4_desc":"Smartly analyze complex sentences, understand sentence structure, and grasp key phrases.","video_feature_5":"Intelligent Sentence Segmentation","video_feature_5_desc":"With the help of NLP, disordered subtitles can be organized into sentences to improve the accuracy of subtitle translation.","video_feature_6":"Listening/Speaking Practice","video_feature_6_desc":"Persist in practicing listening and oral reading with videos every day. It's fun and efficient.","translation_title":"Webpage AI Text Selection Translation","translation_desc":"Webpage AI text selection translation supports multiple languages, full-text translation, and the collection of word examples.","translation_feature_1":"Sentence Translation","translation_feature_1_desc":"Trancy provides a sentence translation feature that helps users quickly translate entire sentences, no longer limited to word translation. This feature makes reading foreign articles more convenient and users can more easily understand the meaning of the entire sentence.","translation_feature_2":"Word Translation","translation_feature_2_desc":"When users select words on a webpage, Trancy provides instant translation results so that users don't need to switch pages frequently to check the meaning of words. You can also add unfamiliar words to the word list for future review.","translation_feature_3":"AI Sentence Structure","translation_feature_3_desc":"With AI, difficult sentence structures can be broken down to deeply understand sentence grammar.","translation_feature_4":"AI Part-of-Speech Tagging","translation_feature_4_desc":"Based on intelligent sentence breaking, key words are tagged with their parts of speech, such as adjectives, etc.","translation_feature_5":"Highlight Unknown Words","translation_feature_5_desc":"Unfamiliar words will be highlighted while browsing webpages, passively memorizing new words.","fulltext_title":"Full-Text Immersive Translation","fulltext_desc":"Trancy's immersive context comparative translation breaks information barriers, allowing you to explore a broader knowledge world.","fulltext_feature_1":"Bilingual Webpage Reading","fulltext_feature_1_desc":"Without leaving the current page, users can easily compare the differences between the original text and the translated text. Users can quickly translate the main part of an article via right-click or shortcut keys, thereby enhancing reading comprehension and translation accuracy.","fulltext_feature_2":"Quick Paragraph Translation","fulltext_feature_2_desc":"By hovering the mouse and setting shortcut keys, you can quickly get translations of unfamiliar paragraphs to achieve a completely immersive, efficient, fast, and undisturbed reading experience.","fulltext_feature_3":"Custom Translation Engine","fulltext_feature_3_desc":"Choose from a variety of translation engines according to your preference, such as Google, DeepL, Microsoft, Open AI, etc.","fulltext_feature_4":"Compatible with Various Websites","fulltext_feature_4_desc":"Trancy has customized treatments for various news websites, technical forums, social media platforms, like Twitter, etc.","chat_title":"Contact","chat_desc":"We care deeply about the quality of our products and the voices of our users. We hope to continuously improve product features and quality through direct communication.","chat_btn":"Talk to us","dict_title":"Online Translation/Sentence Examples - Trancy AI Dictionary","dict_other_translate":"Other Translations","dict_sentence":"Sentence Examples","bilingo_tutorial_title":"Trancy Bilingual Subtitle Tutorial","bilingo_aidict_title":"Trancy AI Translation Tutorial","tse_title":"Translation Package","tes_desc":"Trancy OpenAI and DeepL Translation Engine Optional Package","tes_pg_title":"Selection of Quantity","tes_mild":"Mild Use","tes_mild_price":"$2.2","tes_moderate":"Moderate Use","tes_moderate_price":"$5.5","tes_intense":"Intense Use","tes_intense_price":"$11.0","tes_tips_label":"If each article has 10,000 characters, the approximate number of articles that Deepl and GPT can translate is approximately:","tes_btn":"Buy Now","tes_btn_ing":"Loading...","tes_feature_title":"Features","tes_feature_1":"Support DeepL translation engine","tes_feature_2":"Support OpenAI translation engine","tes_feature_3":"Usage of the package has no expiration date and does not reset at the end of the month","tes_feature_4":"The price is roughly equivalent to the official pricing of DeepL and OpenAI","tes_feature_4_tip1":"DeepL 1$ ≈ 50,000 characters","tes_feature_4_tip2":"OpenAI 1$ ≈ 1,500,000 characters","tes_feature_5":"Trancy charges only a 15% commission","tes_feature_5_tip":"To enable more users to enjoy the quality services of DeepL and OpenAI, Trancy only charges a 5% commission from the Stripe payment partner and a 10% maintenance fee for the servers.","tse_seo_title":"Translation Engine Package - Trancy","choose_payment_method":"Choose Payment Method","tse_faq_1":"Can both DeepL and OpenAI be used after purchase?","tse_faq_1_desc":"Yes, after the purchase, you can choose to use both the DeepL and OpenAI translation engines. You can decide based on your preference.","tse_faq_2":"Which translation engine, DeepL or OpenAI, has better translation quality?","tse_faq_2_desc":"Google and Microsoft translation engines are generally sufficient for most use cases. Comparing the quality of translation is a relative question because the performance can change over time and depend on specific language pairs and contexts. DeepL is known for its accuracy and fluency in machine translation, while OpenAI's GPT series models also perform well in translation tasks, generating coherent and accurate translations, albeit at a slower speed. In general, both DeepL and OpenAI are high-quality translation solutions. The choice of which one is better depends on specific use cases, language pairs, and personal preferences. It is recommended to compare and evaluate them in actual usage to find the translation tool that best suits your needs.","tse_faq_3":"Does the usage quota reset monthly or have an expiration date after purchase?","tse_faq_3_desc":"No, the purchased usage quota is permanent and does not reset or expire.","tse_faq_4":"Are the usage calculations the same for DeepL and OpenAI?","tse_faq_4_desc":"No, according to the official pricing of both platforms, if only DeepL is used, approximately $1 can translate around 50,000 characters, while if only OpenAI is used, approximately $1 can translate around 1.5 million characters. The price difference between the two is nearly 30 times. If translation speed is not a concern, OpenAI translates more characters for the same usage quota. However, our system separately calculates the comprehensive usage of DeepL and OpenAI. We measure and bill based on how much you use, with transparent information. There is no hidden reduction or compromise in the service.","tse_faq_5":"Which is better, using your own API key or purchasing Trancy?","tse_faq_5_desc":"If you have your own API key, we recommend using it as you can see detailed usage information, especially since DeepL provides free monthly quota. However, if you find it troublesome or cannot purchase DeepL and OpenAI keys, you can directly purchase Trancy's usage package. Our prices are openly transparent and we only charge a 5% commission from the Stripe payment and a 10% server maintenance fee, with minimal profit. If you genuinely feel that Trancy is good, you can simply recommend it to your friends and acquaintances.","tse_faq_6":"Is it possible to get a refund for the purchased usage?","tse_faq_6_desc":"No, because our usage is permanent and the product itself is a virtual item, so refunds are not supported. We recommend purchasing based on your needs, buying as much as you use on a daily basis.","tse_faq_7":"Why doesn't OpenAI support subtitle translation?","tse_faq_7_desc":"The subtitle translation feature of OpenAI is still in the testing phase, and the speed and stability have not been optimized yet, so it is temporarily not supported. We would greatly appreciate technical consultations from developers who can provide assistance in development.","tse_faq_8":"Can free users purchase the Translation Engine package?","tse_faq_8_desc":"Yes, even if you are not a Trancy member, you can still purchase the Translation Engine package individually. You just need to register for a Trancy account.","tse_faq_9":"I am already a Premium member, why do I need to separately purchase the Engine package?","tse_faq_9_desc":"Due to the high cost and uncontrollable usage of OpenAI and DeepL, Premium members only support core services such as AI vocabulary, grammar parsing, and oral practice. However, uncontrollable usage such as full-text translation and subtitle translation cannot be supported, and we ask for your understanding and support. For Premium users, we offer an additional 10% discount and only charge a 5% commission from the Stripe payment partner, making the price equivalent to the official prices of DeepL and OpenAI.","btn_free_trial":"Start Free Trial","tse_success":"Purchase Successful","tse_success_desc":"Click on the plugin icon to open the translation engine settings and view the remaining usage quota.","tse_discount":"Premium user 10% discount","support_title":"How can we help?","support_item_title_1":"Join the community","support_item_desc_1":"Join our Discord community to get the latest news and give us feedback.","support_item_title_2":"Contact us","support_item_desc_2":"If you have any questions, please contact us with online customer service.","support_item_title_3":"General communication","support_item_desc_3":"For other queries, please get in touch with us via email","support_item_title_4":"Follow X","support_item_desc_4":"Follow Trancy's latest updates, or send us a private message with your comments. ","ai_faq_1":"Is it only available for Premium users?","ai_faq_1_desc":"Yes, due to the high costs of maintaining the high-performance servers required for AI subtitles, this feature is currently exclusively available to our Premium members.","ai_faq_2":"Is there a time limit for AI subtitles?","ai_faq_2_desc":"Yes, due to server costs, we are unable to provide unlimited duration for usage. Currently, in the testing phase, each user is limited to 5 hours per day, which is very affordable compared to the high monthly prices of other services. We will also offer additional packages for more usage time in the future.","ai_faq_3":"Why do I have to wait for subtitles to be displayed instead of having them in real-time?","ai_faq_3_desc":"Unlike other real-time speech-to-text products, our main audience is language learners who would experience significant delay issues with real-time subtitles, resulting in a less than ideal experience. For videos ranging from 5 to 60 minutes, Trancy takes only 2-5 minutes to process, so with a short wait, you can gain access to complete and synchronous subtitles with better translation quality.","ai_faq_4":"Will the processed AI subtitles always exist?","ai_faq_4_desc":"Yes, we use caching technology, so any AI subtitles processed by a Premium user will be available for all members to share. The more people use it, the more subtitles are processed, and together we form a strong AI subtitle community.","ai_faq_5":"Why are some video subtitles poorly processed?","ai_faq_5_desc":"Currently, we use low-performance GPU servers, and Whisper AI is not 100% efficient in terms of processing speed and subtitle segmentation. This leads to less than ideal results for fast-speaking or long-duration videos. It's still a matter of cost; with higher-performance machines, we would be operating at a loss. We sincerely hope you'll introduce Trancy to more language learners. The more people use it, the better GPU servers we can rent, and the better the speed and quality of AI subtitles will become.","ai_faq_6":"Are AI subtitles only available for YouTube?","ai_faq_6_desc":"Yes, currently they are only available for YouTube because other streaming platforms like Netflix already provide official subtitles of good quality, so there's no need for AI processing.","ai_faq_7":"Will the price rise when it's officially launched?","ai_faq_7_desc":"During the testing phase, there will be no price increase. Premium users will have access to a certain amount of time. The final pricing will be determined based on user demand. As the official version is launched, prices may rise or additional service packages may be offered.","ai_seo_title":"AI Subtitles - Trancy","ai_seo_desc":"Trancy uses OpenAI's Whisper speech-to-text service to asynchronously convert YouTube audio into subtitles. Compared to YouTube's own machine-generated subtitles, Trancy has improved segmentation by 80%, resulting in more accurate and easier to understand translated subtitles.","ai_hero_title":"AI Subtitles","ai_hero_desc":"Trancy uses OpenAI's Whisper speech-to-text service to asynchronously convert YouTube audio into subtitles. Compared to YouTube's own machine-generated subtitles, Trancy has improved segmentation by 80%, resulting in more accurate and easier to understand translated subtitles.","ai_how_title":"How to Use","ai_how_desc":"Trancy AI subtitles are easy to use. Premium members just need to click the start icon and wait for about 2-5 minutes to replace the original machine-generated subtitles.","ai_how_step_1":"Launch AI subtitles","ai_how_step_1_des":"Start Trancy and click on the AI subtitle icon in the player control bar to add the video to the AI processing queue.","ai_how_step_2":"Wait for AI processing","ai_how_step_2_des":"AI subtitles typically take about 2-5 minutes to process, during which you can continue watching the video normally.","ai_how_step_3":"AI subtitle replacement","ai_how_step_3_des":"Once AI processing is complete, the original subtitles will be automatically replaced with the newly translated AI subtitles.","ai_upgrade_title":"introducing Trancy Premium","ai_upgrade_desc":"Trancy Premium can unlock more AI features, including AI subtitles, AI word definitions, AI grammar analysis, and AI spoken language.","ai_upgrade_btn":"Upgrade Now","m_guide_subtitle":"Plugin installation successful","m_guide_title":"Beginner's Guide","m_guide_step_1":"Enable YouTube bilingual subtitles","m_guide_step_1_desc":"Access m.youtube.com on your smartphone or tablet, go to the page of the video you want to play, and tap the Trancy floating button on the right side of the video page to enable it.","m_guide_step_2":"Enable word lookup","m_guide_step_2_desc":"Double-click on words on the webpage with a single finger to trigger the word translation feature.","m_guide_step_3":"Enable full-text immersion translation","m_guide_step_3_desc":"Tap the screen three times in succession with two fingers or tap the Trancy icon on the side of the screen to enable full-text comparative translation or full-text replacement translation.","m_guide_step_4":"Enable sentence/paragraph split translation","m_guide_step_4_desc":"Tap the sentences and paragraphs you want to translate twice in succession with two fingers to enable sentence or paragraph translation.","download_hero_title":"Download Trancy Extension","download_hero_desc":"Trancy supports popular browsers such as Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari. Click the download button to install.","download_for_desktop":"Desktop Extension","download_for_mobile":"Mobile Extension","download_for_firefox":"Download for Firefox","download_for_brave":"Download for Brave","download_for_arc":"Download for Arc","download_for_safari":"Download for Safari","download_for_firefox_android":"Download for Firefox Android","download_for_ios_safari":"Download for iOS Safari","download_for_lemur":"Download for Lemur","download_review_title":"What users say about Trancy","download_review_desc":"Trancy has received widespread acclaim from users since its launch, and we will continue to improve the product to provide better service.","download_review_content_1":"I must say that this software is really great for improving English. I haven't seen anything better than this. I strongly recommend giving it a try. Its effectiveness lies in the fact that learning a language fundamentally requires massive input, and with this tool, you can easily achieve that!","download_review_content_2":"This plugin is really useful. It has been a great help to me. I can understand more videos, read more articles, and even add new words while highlighting repeated ones for memory stimulation. It's truly fantastic, and I hope it continues to improve.","download_review_content_3":"The desktop plugin is already perfect, and I'm pleasantly surprised by the usability of the recently released mobile plugin. It allows me to access the core features of Trancy on my phone, which is incredibly convenient. It also supports Firefox and Brave browsers, which is fantastic.","m_install_guide":"Installation Guide","fx_meta_title":"Install Firefox Android Extensions","fx_title":"Install Firefox Android Extensions","fx_step_1_title":"Install Firefox Android Browser","fx_step_1_desc":"Trancy Android extensions are customized specifically for Firefox. Before installing the extensions, please click the button below to download and install.","fx_step_2_title":"Install Trancy Android Extensions","fx_step_2_way_1_title":"Method 1: Scan QR Code with Firefox","fx_step_2_way_1_desc":"Open Firefox Android and click the scan icon on the toolbar. Scan the QR code below and click 'Install'.","fx_step_2_way_2_title":"Method 2: Search in Firefox Android Add-on Store","fx_step_2_way_2_desc":"Open Firefox Android, click 'More' and go to the Add-ons Manager page. Search for the Trancy extension and click 'Install'.","zp_meta_title":"Install Trancy Android Extension Package","zp_title":"Install Trancy Android Extension Package","zp_step_1_title":"Install an Extension-compatible Android Browser","zp_step_1_desc":"Trancy Android browser offline extension package is customized based on the Chrome kernel and currently supports browsers like Greasemonkey and Kiwi.","zp_step_1_tips":"Note: Manually installed extension packages do not support automatic updates. Please regularly check the update log on the official website.","zp_step_1_btn_lemur":"Lemur Browser","zp_step_1_btn_kiwi":"Kiwi Browser","zp_step_2_title":"Manually Install Trancy Extension Package","zp_step_2_way_1_title":"Step 1: Download Trancy Extension Package","zp_step_2_way_1_desc":"Scan the QR code below or click the button below to download.","zp_step_2_way_1_btn":"Trancy Extension Package","zp_step_2_way_2_title":"Step 2: Manually Install Extension Package","zp_step_2_way_2_desc":"Go to the plugin settings of your mobile browser, enable developer mode, and load the downloaded Zip installation package.","m_lookup_tips":"Select a word or sentence with your finger and tap the translation icon in the sidebar to initiate word translation","m_ios_fulltext":"Tap the Trancy floating icon in the sidebar or tap the screen three times with a single finger","m_ios_split":"Tap a sentence or paragraph twice with a single finger to initiate split translation","payment_success_meta_title":"Payment Successful - Trancy","payment_success_title":"Payment Successful","payment_success_desc":"The payment has been done successfully. Thanks for been there with us.","payment_success_btn":"See details","aff_meta_title":"Affiliate Program - Trancy","aff_meta_desc":"Join Trancy's affiliate program and earn 30% of each sale.","aff_hero_title":"Piece-of-cake affiliate earnings","aff_hero_desc":"Join our affiliate program and earn 30% of each sale.","aff_hero_btn":"Become a partner","aff_feature_title_1":"Plain and simple rewards","aff_feature_desc_1":"Get at least $7 for each started trial by a new user you referred.","aff_feature_title_2":"Easy to track","aff_feature_desc_2":"Get real-time statistics on your earnings and user activity.","aff_feature_title_3":"Long-lasting cookies","aff_feature_desc_3":"It can take a while for a user to act on an offer, so our cookies last 180 days to help secure your commission.","aff_step_title":"How does it work?","aff_step_des":"Joining our affiliate program is easy. Just follow these steps:","aff_step_1":"Sign up","aff_step_1_desc":"Sign up to Trancy Affiliate Program and get your affiliate links for sharing with your audience.","aff_step_2":"Pitch Trancy to your audience","aff_step_2_desc":"Talk about Trancy on your online platforms and invite users to try Trancy via your affiliate link.","aff_step_3":"Get rewarded","aff_step_3_desc":"Earn 30% of each sale made through your affiliate link. The more users you refer, the more you earn.","aff_faq_title_1":"How to join Trancy Affiliate Program?","aff_faq_desc_1":"It’s easy. Use this link ( https://trancy.getrewardful.com/signup ) to sign up, we review your application and let you know our decision.","aff_faq_title_2":"Who can join the program?","aff_faq_desc_2":"An influencer. A media buyer. An affiliate network. An independent contributor. We welcome anyone who shares the interest to promote language learning tools. Primarily, we are looking for affiliate partners with websites and Youtuber. We review each affiliate application carefully to ensure you are in compliance with the Program's Terms and Conditions.We reserve the right to reject any website or web property containing objectionable material, including explicit language or content, or support for violent or discriminatory groups.We will remove any approved affiliate found in violation of our Terms and Conditions or participating in activities that may reflect negatively on Trancy's product or brand.","aff_faq_title_3":"How much I can make?","aff_faq_desc_3":"Once approved, you start with at least $7 per trial referral payout. Anyone who shows interest in trying Trancy and adds their payment info while signing up is considered a trial.At a later stage, we can discuss a payout increase or switch to the CPS model with a custom payout.","aff_faq_title_4":"How do you track affiliate sales?","aff_faq_desc_4":"Trancy has partnered with rewardful ( https://www.rewardful.com/ ) to handle tracking, reporting, and affiliate payments. You can log into your Trancy affiliate account at any time to check your stats, get affiliate links, grab banners, and other resources to help you get started. https://trancy.getrewardful.com/login","aff_faq_title_5":"When and how do I get paid?","aff_faq_desc_5":"Affiliate commissions are paid through rewardful to The payment method options are ACH, Check, PayPal, Wise and International Electronic Funds Transfer.Commissions are paid monthly, and if you do not reach the payment threshold (minimum is $10), your earned commissions will be carried over to subsequent months until the payment threshold is met.","aff_faq_title_6":"Didn't find an answer to your question?","aff_faq_desc_6":"Drop us a line at [email protected]. We’ll be glad to help you navigate through the affiliate process and answer any questions along the way!","aff_banner_title":"Become a Trancy affiliate","aff_banner_desc":"Earn revenue by promoting an essential language learning tools.","aff_banner_btn":"Join Now","nav_menu_products":"Products","youtube_seo_title":"YouTube Bilingual Subtitles","youtube_title":"Bilingual Subtitles","youtube_selector_lable":"Translation Language","youtube_selector_holder":"Select","youtube_control_btn_1":"Summary","youtube_control_btn_2":"Export","youtube_control_btn_3":"Practice","youtube_more_feture_title":"Unlock More Features","youtube_more_feture_desc":"Install the Trancy extension to unlock more features, including AI subtitles, AI word definitions, AI grammar analysis, AI speaking, etc.","youtube_platform_title":"Compatible with Major Video Platforms","youtube_platform_desc":"Trancy not only provides bilingual subtitle support for platforms like YouTube, Netflix, Udemy, Disney+, TED, edX, Kehan, Coursera, but also offers AI word/sentence translation, full-text immersive translation, and other features for regular web pages. It is a true all-in-one language learning assistant.","youtube_feature_titel_1":"Supports All Platform Browsers","youtube_feature_desc_1":"Trancy supports all platform browsers, including iOS Safari browser extension.","youtube_feature_titel_2":"Multiple Viewing Modes","youtube_feature_desc_2":"Supports theater, reading, mixed, and other viewing modes for a comprehensive bilingual experience.","youtube_feature_titel_3":"Multiple Practice Modes","youtube_feature_desc_3":"Supports sentence dictation, oral evaluation, multiple-choice, dictation, and other practice modes.","youtube_feature_titel_4":"AI Video Summary","youtube_feature_desc_4":"Use OpenAI to summarize videos and quickly grasp key content.","youtube_feature_titel_5":"AI Subtitles","youtube_feature_desc_5":"Generate accurate and fast YouTube AI subtitles in just 3-5 minutes.","youtube_feature_titel_6":"AI Word Definitions","youtube_feature_desc_6":"Tap on words in the subtitles to look up definitions, with AI-powered definitions.","youtube_feature_titel_7":"AI Grammar Analysis","youtube_feature_desc_7":"Analyze sentence grammar to quickly understand sentence meanings and master difficult grammar points.","youtube_feature_titel_8":"More Web Features","youtube_feature_desc_8":"In addition to bilingual video subtitles, Trancy also provides word translation and full-text translation for web pages.","mobile_seo_title":"iOS App - Trancy","mobile_seo_desc":"Trancy App not only provides YouTube AI bilingual subtitles, but also allows you to sync your personal YouTube channel to Trancy for easier access to bilingual videos. In addition, it offers features such as shadowing, speaking practice, and AI video summaries.","mobile_hero_title":"iOS YouTube Bilingual Subtitles","mobile_hero_desc":"Trancy App not only provides YouTube AI bilingual subtitles, but also allows you to sync your personal YouTube channel to Trancy for easier access to bilingual videos. In addition, it offers features such as shadowing, speaking practice, and AI video summaries.","mobile_feature_title_1":"Sync Youtube Subscriptions","mobile_feature_desc_1":"Sync your own YouTube subscriptions to Trancy App and quickly access your favorite videos. You can also use the built-in search engine to quickly find YouTube content.","mobile_feature_title_2":"Shadowing \u0026 Speaking Practice","mobile_feature_desc_2":"Choose videos of your interest and use AI-generated bilingual subtitles for shadowing and speaking practice. Improve your speaking and listening skills comprehensively and gradually master a new language.","mobile_feature_title_3":"Personalized Settings","mobile_feature_desc_3":"Trancy App supports personalized settings, allowing you to adjust subtitle size, choose the preferred translation engine, and even switch to reading mode. New words are highlighted to enhance memory retention.","mobile_feature_title_4":"YouTube AI Summaries","mobile_feature_desc_4":"In addition to providing AI bilingual subtitles, Trancy also supports AI video summaries for YouTube. Quickly get an overview of the video and key points, achieving fast, efficient, and accurate understanding.","pd_1month":"Monthly","pd_1month_desc":"🎁 Early Bird Price","pd_12month":"Yearly","pd_12month_desc":"🎁 Early Bird Price","pd_12month_tag":"Limited Time 33% Off - Most Popular","pd_24month":"2-Year","pd_24month_desc":"🎁 Early Bird Price","pd_24month_tag":"Limited Time 33% Off - Best Value","premium_feature_1":"Unlimited word/sentence collection","premium_feature_2":"AI Subtitle Transcription","premium_feature_3":"AI Precise Definitions","premium_feature_4":"AI Speaking Practice","premium_feature_5":"AI Learning Assistant","premium_table_1":"Bilingual Subtitles","premium_table_2":"YouTube AI Subtitle Transcription","premium_table_3":"Flashcard Practice","premium_table_4":"AI Learning Assistant","premium_table_5":"AI Shadowing Training","premium_table_6":"New Wordbook","premium_table_7":"Learning Wordbook","increase_title":"Trancy Premium will increase by 20%","increase_desc":"Starting March 31, 2025 , Trancy Premium will increase by 20% due to rising server costs and new features like podcast transcription and PDF translation. Subscribe before March 31 to lock in the current price permanently.","tse_credit":"Credits","tse_new_feture_1":"Prepaid system, charged based on actual usage, flexible and economical","tse_new_feture_2":"Credit balance is permanently valid, with no expiration date","tse_new_feture_3":"Supports mainstream translation engines like OpenAI, Gemini, DeepL, Claude, etc.","tse_new_feture_4":"Suitable for multi-scenario translations such as web pages, sentences, subtitles, and PDFs","tse_new_feture_5":"Only a 15% service fee is charged, with a 10% discount for members","tse_new_faq_1":"Why do I need to purchase an engine package separately if I'm already a Premium member?","tse_new_faq_1_desc":"Due to the high cost of various AI translation services, Premium membership only includes core features like AI word definitions, grammar analysis, and speaking practice. For large-scale text processing functions such as full-text translation, subtitle translation, and PDF translation, the current membership price cannot cover the costs due to unpredictable usage. We ask for your understanding. As a benefit, we offer Premium members a 10% exclusive discount and only charge a 5% Stripe payment fee, allowing you to use these features at the same price as the official rates of each AI service provider.","tse_new_faq_2":"What functions can engine credits be used for?","tse_new_faq_2_desc":"Engine credits can be used for web page translation, sentence translation, subtitle translation, and PDF translation. As more features are added, engine credits will support more functions.","tse_new_faq_3":"Is it better to use my own API Key or purchase Trancy's services?","tse_new_faq_3_desc":"In terms of functionality and billing, the AI services provided by Trancy are completely consistent with using each API directly. If you can apply for an API Key yourself, we recommend using your own Key, as it will be more cost-effective.","tse_new_faq_4":"Can free users purchase translation engine packages?","tse_new_faq_4_desc":"Free users can purchase translation engine packages but need to pay a 10% server maintenance fee and a 5% Stripe fee. Members can enjoy a 10% discount and only pay a 5% third-party payment fee.","tse_new_faq_5":"Which AI translation quality is better?","tse_new_faq_5_desc":"Google and Microsoft's translation engines are sufficient for most use cases. Judging the quality of translation is a relative issue, as performance may change over time and also depends on specific language pairs and contexts. DeepL is known for its accuracy and fluency in machine translation, and other AI models like OpenAI/Claude also perform well in translation tasks, generating coherent and accurate translations, though their translation speed is relatively slow.","tse_new_faq_6":"Do purchased credits reset monthly or have an expiration date?","tse_new_faq_6_desc":"No, credit balances are permanently valid with no expiration date. You can purchase credits at any time according to your needs.","tse_new_faq_7":"Can purchased credits be refunded?","tse_new_faq_7_desc":"Sorry, since credits are virtual goods and permanently valid, we cannot provide refund services. We recommend purchasing reasonably based on actual usage needs, and you can start by purchasing a small amount of credits to experience.","tse_new_faq_8":"How are Trancy's translation engine credits billed?","tse_new_faq_8_desc":"One Trancy credit is equivalent to one dollar, and the billing and consumption methods are consistent with the official billing methods of each AI engine. You can check the billing details on the official websites of each AI engine.","tse_desc_new":"Trancy AI translation engine package supports OpenAI, Google Gemini, DeepL, Claude, DeepSeek, etc.","video_feature_1_new":"Youtube/Netflix AI Bilingual Subtitles","video_feature_1_desc_new":"Find videos you're interested in on platforms like YouTube, Netflix, HBO Max, TED, edX, Coursera, and use Trancy's AI bilingual subtitles feature to quickly understand the content and practice listening and speaking.","price_1month_amount":"","price_1month_total":"$3.49","price_1month_price":"","price_12month_amount":"$2.33 / month","price_12month_total":"$27.99","price_12month_price":"USD 41.88"},"locale":"en","locales":["en","vi","tr","ar","ru","fr","es","de","it","pt","ja","ko","zh-cn","zh-hant","hi"]},"__N_SSG":true},"page":"/404","query":{},"buildId":"DmLhxJ7bpjnIhoYZc1Mku","isFallback":false,"gsp":true,"locale":"en","locales":["en","vi","tr","ar","ru","fr","es","de","it","pt","ja","ko","zh-cn","zh-hant","hi"],"defaultLocale":"en","scriptLoader":[]}</script><noscript><iframe src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-WWX6343" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript></body></html>